So you’re that one guy that shows up out of nowhere and starts seeding when I’ve given up on a torrent. You’re doing God’s work.
All pronouns
So you’re that one guy that shows up out of nowhere and starts seeding when I’ve given up on a torrent. You’re doing God’s work.
It doesn’t have a proper dark theme in Windows so it let me down when it flashbanged me.
Yeah, in my experience private trackers are a bunch of petty tyrants with control issues. My experience is very limited as I’ve never been part of one on account of me telling them to fuck off.
A dead pool?
Americans love to answer the question “where are you from?” with an ingredients list.
I wouldn’t bother with LTSC. Just install Enterprise/Education and disable feature updates.
I am reasonably acrobatic. I only get to use it when people are drunk and get the sudden urge to watch someone do a backflip.
If you do connect to a network. Shift+F10 again and
netsh wlan delete profile name=*WiFi SSID*
And reboot.
Outrageous. How else am I going to make drugs addictive?
How am I supposed to sell opioids then?
This one too: _____________
I guarantee your system is less secure than the worst password manager. Humans are inherently bad at choosing passwords, or anything to do with randomness really.
Please clarify what you mean because your comment is giving me these vibes.
Most websites don’t allow multiple failed logins and, even if they did, the network latency alone would make brute force attacks useless. The point of having a high entropy password is to protect against hackers brute forcing a leaked database of hashes. Having different passwords for every website also protects against this so, as usual, the answer is “just use a password manager”.
I don’t know why but I read the man with an Irish accent.
For a second, I thought Canonical had made a YouTube front-end.
I was so shocked when I watched it because it’s actually good.
I know it’s a thought experiment but try to be a little realistic.
—Hey, how do I do this?
—Well, you need to know how to do it and then do it