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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2024

  • Worked as a sysadmin for years dealing with all kinds of certificates. Liek others have said if you can’t automate the process a paid certificate buys you 12 months at a time in validity. Also wildcard certificates are more difficult to do automated with let’s encrypt. If you want EV certificates (where the cert company actually calls you up and verifies you’re the company you claim to be) you also need to go the paid route

    In my experience trustworthyness of certs is not an issue with LE. I sometimes check websites certs and of I see they’re LE I’m more like “Good for them”

  • Well the OP is the one who made the Post so they obviously have more of an interest in the question/topic/image etc. Imagine someone posts a photo of their dog and a comment asks for what kind of dog it is for example. Then you would give a comment of the OP more credence than some person who knows neither the Dog nor OP and only has a single image to go off.

    Same with your post here, if you answer to my comment “that’s not what I’m asking” I might be more inclined to amend my statement/make another comment than if any “random” that showed up to a thread saying “that’s not what OP was asking”.

    Tl;dr: OP starts a post and might have the most interest/immediate knowledge of the subject matter. I wouldn’t say they “own” the post but they just have another relationship than a passerby commenter.