“Once you’ve been to Gaza, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Benjamin Netanyahu to death with your bare hands.”

  • 30 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Basically this in every capacity.

    Immigrants are easy to hate and kick out. They are already probably vulnerable as a group, so kicking them while they are down while screaming, “YOU DON’T EVEN BELONG HERE!” makes emotionally immature people feel like they regaining control and protecting their country. This however has nothing to do with the other. Societies where racism begins to thrive will pick any vulnerable group. In Nazi Germany, it was the Jews. In China, it’s the Uyghurs. In many European countries, it’s the immigrants.

    What exacerbates this further is that hating on immigrants (or any vulnerable group) worsens their conditions which makes it easier to point the finger and blame them for crime or lack of resources. Rinse and repeat. The spiral continues. The racists get more validation after pushing the immigrants down, and the immigrants become more frustrated with a country that doesn’t value their taxes and contributions.

  • I thought there was hope for you. But today I’m convinced that either (1) you’re a hopeless pro-zioniat bootlicker or (2) you have some kind of psychological issue that makes you incapable of changing your mind even when provided with overwhelming evidence.

    And today is the day I stop giving a fuck. I’m blocking you soon, goodbye forever. May we never meet. I don’t need more assholes to dehumanize me as a Palestinian and deny me the right to self determination and self defense in favor of a bunch of ruthless butchers.

    Ps: frankly you seem quite racist. The slimy questionable lawer-type racist.

  • "in which the minority political bloc purported to rule over the unconsenting majority, "

    to all the nice folks reading this gibberish, please know that this is flat out misinformation. @[email protected] had never been able to support this with any kind of source and it is not in the legal definition of apartheid. The crime of apartheid definition is very clear and says this applies to any racial group with absolutely NOTHING about it having to be a racial minority over a majority (and by miniority here, JustZ also just means less population).

    Here is the definition of apartheid according to the ICC:

    The ‘crime of apartheid’ means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1, committed in the context of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by ONE RACIAL GROUP OVER ANY OTHER RACIAL GROUP OR GROUPS and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.