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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023


  • we are a tech company. we had several floors in two near but separate buildings. we had as many toilets for woman as we had for men. basically each floor had one for woman and one for men which had a pissoir too. as we had > 90% men, mens toilets always had a waiting line after lunch time (not for the pissoir, however). on one floor the only woman was a trainee who (normal here) often had to go to school for 3weeks in a row, that was when men just used womens toilet as there was no woman to use it on the floor and the other woman on the other floor of that building literally had her very own toilet to share with no one. (rest of all the woman happened to work in the other building)

    then the company started to build its own building to leave the rental situation and at the same time to better longterm meet some necessarities that come along with the market niche that the company serves. (there are some laws regulating some physical aspects of the building for our services.)

    one if the promises was, that the “toilet situation” would be improved with the new building.

    the new building then had larger toilets on each floor. the space was then used to still have one toilet for men, but now there were two pissoirs! and two large sinks just for washing hands. yay! womens bathroom now have 3 toilets on each floor each and also the large sinks too. same amount of toilets for 90% of empleyee, the 10% have now triple number toilets they had before and double the space for washing, using mirror etc.

    The woman basically gets her own.

    exactly, and when men don’t have enough toilets, women actually gets build more of them to “statistically” solve the problem !! 🤣

  • an experiment with words, first mixed (CAP ist first sentence, lower is second, but try to read all words first) then separated versions:

    LET how ME does TRY it TO feel MAKE to YOU you COMPARE reading IT that TO sentence READING and TWO this SENTENCES question WITH in MIXED parallel? WORDS.

    let me try to make you compare it to reading two sentences with mixed words.

    how does it feel to you reading that sentence and this question in parallel?

    actually reading this feels a bit similar to listening to different songs in parallel to me, but when reading these 1:1 alternating words (even with one sentence in CAPS) i do not recognise any meaning while reading, but when explicitly only reading CAP or noncap words. when listening to two songs in parallel this seems far more easy for me and seems to work. am i a musician?

  • i started to create separate email aliases for every newsletter, account and contact like >10years ago. i still have some few aliases that i shared with friends so these are spread more wide. some of these aliases turned out to be useful as in the platform i created it for lost my data, i got some phishing mail and told the platform admins about their data loss, i then just stopped spam by changing that one single email alias. that happened i think four times.

    this year i wanted to get rid of old domains and had to go through all of the aliases there, which turned out to be >400, that was a lot of work, but my setup turned out to be quite a good documentation about what accounts i’ve set up during that period. some accounts were for platforms that do not exist any more, many for platforms that changed owner (mostly without notice) while some accounts turned out to be stuck like i cannot even delete them, because if i try, that platform freezes the account for “weird looking actions” looks like they just do not want to follow the laws.

    overall i think of maybe improving usability by platforms, (free)email providers and also newsletter senders, then creating some specs and try writing RFC style definitions and write a proof-of-concept to make “handshake” and email addresschanges possible and easy for endusers in large scale while achieving the same level of filterless spam protection that i have now.

    when i find the time to do it.

  • there was a study saying that there is not “the” best way of learning, but it is best to combine multiple ways, like with an app, by book, listening to audio only (i listened to radio stations via internet and got some exercise for free), a bit of talking, visiting a country that only speaks that language and so on. trying everything a bit in parallel.

    that is because of our brain learns better when given more different types of “connections” to learn.

    i started with duolingo (website only, not the app and only the free parts) 4 years ago and now i speak quite fluently. but i also partly read a book about grammatics, visited a spanish speaking country (more than once), viewed movies with only subtitle in my language and did lots of phone calls in spanish only.

    my advice is:

    look at free apps, whatever pleases you, take chances, listen to the sound (movies, radio), try to speak, and read easy books or go through exercise books.

    duolingo is good to keep on going while not really motivated as the shortest thing that counts are really only minutes and one can choose to do something that is already easy. this way at least continuation is kept even if pace is down for a while. and it is much easier to go on with pace when not having really stopped.

  • i am happy to have a raspberry pi setup connected to a VLAN switch, internet is behind a modem (like bridged mode) connected with ethernet to one switchport while the raspi routes everything through one tagged physical GB switchport. the setup works fine with two raspi’s and failover without tcp disconnections during an actual failover, only few seconds delay when that happens, so basically voip calls recover after seconds, streaming is not affected, while in a game a second off might be too much already, however as such hardware failures happen rarely, i am running only one of them anyway.

    for firewall i am using shorewall, while for some special routing i also use unbound dns resolver (one can easily configure static results for any record) and haproxy with sni inspection for specific https routing for the rather specialized setup i have.

    my wifi is done by an openwrt but i only use it for having separate wifis bridged to their own vlans.

    thus this setup allows for multi-zone networks at home like a wifi for visitors with daily changing passwords and another fror chromecast or home automation, each with their own rules, hardware redundancy, special tweaking, everything that runs on gnu/linux is possible including pihole, wireguard, ddns solutions, traffic statistics, traffic shaping/QOS, traffic dumps or even SSL interception if you really want to import your own CA into your phone and see what data your phones apps (those that don’t use certificate pinning) are transfering when calling home, and much more.

    however regarding ddns it sometimes feels more safe and reliable to have a somehow reserved IP that would not change. some providers offer rather cheap tunnels for this purpose. i once had a free (ipv6) tunnel at hurricane electronic (besides another one for IPv4) but now i use VMs in data centers.

    i do not see any ready product to be that flexible. however to me the best ready router system seems to be openwrt, you are not bound to a hardware vendor, get security updates longer than with any commercial product, can 1:1 copy your config to a new device even if the hardware changes and has the possibility to add packages with special features to it.

    “openwrt” is IMHO the most flexible ready solution for longtime use. same as “pfsense” is also very worth looking at and has some similarities to openwrt while beeing different.

  • i have to admit, that my point ‘just don’t do it’ in reality does not garantee to prevent any trouble. it still is possible to be sued for things someone else did.

    also one suggestion to think about:

    if the seller just sprays some random changes over a book for every sold version, one would have differences in “every” sold version to every other sold version. by blindly changing those parts to something else you could reveal which exact two/three versions you had for diffing.

    UPDATE: someone else here had the same thought a bit earlier…

    my suggestion to not do it stays the same ;-)

    it could be interesting to figure things out how they work, what could be done to prevent or circumvent such prevention, but actually doing it seems risky no matter what.

  • have a look on “snowdrop” (search together with “steganography”), its basically the opposite of what you want, but worth mentioning here. watermarks could be placed into whitespace (not limited to actual spaces or linebreaks, intentionally changed usage of paragraphs, tabs or even page boundaries could possibly be detected after scanning andeven after OCR. IMHO snowdrop uses -depending on choosen operation mode- small errors like misspelled words, commata etc but also has a mode that comes along with fine grammar and without misspelled words…

    how do you make sure that by diff’ing two versions you do cover "everything’ that has been deliberately placed into both documents but share literally the same informations?

    lets say you bought two books at two different stores with two different watermarks. if the watermark contains the date and time of the purchase and the only difference of this were the minutes because you bought them within the same hour, the remaining watermark would point to all buyers that bought exactly this book in this hour - worldwide. but still it could be “very” precise depending on all other(!) buyers, if they exist at all within that timeframe. what if the watermark includes unix epoch? then the part which is the same in both watermarks would not be bound by hours, but by seconds, 10seconds, 100seconds etc.

    and you could not know if there were other watermarks hidden that just happened to be the same for your two (three.?) purchases (same country, continent, payment method, credit card holder name, name of internet provider used during purchase, browser used etc.) it fully depends on the creator of the watermark what would be included and what not. if you happem to know all that (without any possibleexemptions) you might be on the safe side, but if not…

    my general suggestion here is:

    • if you want to be sure to not getting into trouble, then just don’t do it.
    • if that book is too expensive compared to its content, just not buying it possibly also helps the market to fix the problem.
    • save that time and instead help those who already fight for a better world.
    • search already licence free books (or such as “cc” licensed) and promote those instead, help improving free resources like openstreetmap, wiki* but do not publish licence-poisoned content there, wtite it yourself, alway.
    • write your own book and publish it free.

    just to mention… the “safe” side sometimes seems limited but maybe is actually not, if you really look at it.

  • my 2 cents just in case…:

    A raid6 is not a replacement for backup ;-) i use rdiff-backup which is easy to use, stores only one full backup and all increments are to the past while it is only possible to delete the oldest increments (afaik no “merging”) i never needed anything else. The backup should be one off-site and another one offline to be synced once in a while manually. Make complete dumps (including triggers, etc) from databases before doing the backup ;-)

    i like to have a recreateable server setup, like setting it up manually, then putting everything i did into ansilbe, try to recreate a “spare” server using ansible and the backup, test everything and you can be sure you also have “documented” your setup to a good degree.

    for hardware i do not have much assumptions about performance (until it hits me), but an always-running in-house server should better safe power (i learned this the costly way). it is possible to turn cpu’s off and run only on one cpu with only a reduced freq in times without performance needs, that could help a bit, at least it would feel good to do so while turning cpu’s on again + set higher frequency is quick and can be easily scripted.

    hard drives: make sure you buy 24/7, they are usually way more hassle-free than the consumer grades and likely “only” cost double the price. i would always place the system on SSD but always as raid1 (not raid6), while the “other” could then maybe be a magnetic one set to write-mostly.

    as i do not buy “server” hardware for my home server, i always buy the components twice when i change something, so that i would have the spare parts ready at hand when i need it. running a server for 5+ years often ends up in not beeing able to buy the same again, and then you have to first search what you want, order, test, maybe send back as it might not fit… instable memory? mainboard released smoke signs? with spare parts at hand, a matter of minutes! only thing i am missing with my consumer grade home server hardware is ecc ram :-/

    for cooling i like to use a 12cm fan and only power it with 5v (instead of the 12v it wants) so that it runs smoothly slow and nearly as silent as a passive only cooling, but heat does not build up in the summer. do not forget to clean the dust once in a while… i never had a 5v powered 12V-12cm fan that had any problems with the bearings and i think one of them ran for over a decade. i think the 12volt fans last longer with 5v, but no warranty from me ;-)

    even with headless i like to have a quick way at hand to get to a console in case of network might not be working. i once used a serial cable and my notebook, then a small monitor/keyboard, now i use pikvm and could look to my servers physical console from my mobile phone (but would need ssl client certificate and TOTP to do so) but this involves network, i know XD

    you likely want smart monitoring and once in a while run memtest.

    for servers i also like to have some monitoring that could push a message to my phone somehow for some foreseeable conditions that i would like to handle manually.

    debsums, logcheck logwatch and fail2ban are also worth looking at depending on what you want.

    also after updating packages, have a look at lsof | egrep “DEL|deleted” to see what programs need a simple restart to really use libraries that have been updated. so reboots only for newer kernels.

    ok this is more than 2 cents, maybe 5. never mind

    hope these ideas help a bit

  • smb@lemmy.mltoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldWhat's the worst ad you've ever seen?
    8 months ago

    i disliked an ad in tv before 2000 and decided to not buy the deodorant stick then because of that. like 10 to 15 years later i accidently bought the product- long forgotten that this was the one with that bad ad and actually liked the product and bought it regulary for some time (then remembering how bad that ad was, but okay the product was good actually). that was until they decided to put more plastics into packaging as well as less content into it (same price for package) just to make it more costly for me thus more profitable for them, whilst producing more litter and destroying more resources just for profit. The higher price would not have been too bad, but creating more litter for more profit made me then search a better product. then found a bio product with all natural contents, very few plastic packaging and even less pricy.

    That ad made me NOT buy it. So that was the worst ad i’ve ever seen in two ways: it reduced my willingness to buy their product to far below zero lasting for a decade and i did not even want to try the product that i later found to be actually good, so worst case for the vendor AND the customer.

    However that product later also had the “best” Price raise (by less content) for me ever as that made me search and find the then newly existing even better and more natural, less pricy product of their competitor.

    Maybe good CEOs are rare.

  • smb@lemmy.mltoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago

    maybe ask the question otherway around.

    Do you think that without all of the evilish illminded so called “economic society” abuse-of-everything pyramid scheme there would be as much or even any sort of mental illness?

    imagine not beeing confronted with thousands of commercial advertising lies a day (just walk the streets). imagine not beeing poisoned with all the industry waste they call food today … imagine not beeing manipulated by century-overpsanning massive propaganda against countries that literally have done no harm to you in the first place (propaganda that solely exists to create war and kill your could-be-friends before you can even try to know them)… and there is a statistically relevant connection between times when cities had lead pipes in fresh water systems and high occurance of murderers that also vanished together with the lead pipes, looking at historic data over decades. (dont have the link though) just by not living in a single place for too long would have prevented that lead-pipes-are-good-for-business that caused murders to cause too much damage to your mental health.

    i do believe that there are lots of people who choose to disconnect from the mental illness swarm that calles itself western culture. and i guess that in countries where climate allows living without a “home”, some of them will choose to live just like that to “keep” their mental sanity and “not” get such illnesses.

    also there are “homeless” insiders of the very same ill-mind-creating society, just think of “digital nomads”. and you do not need to have a mental illness to want to live such a lifestyle, do you? some countries have laws to attract difital nomads.

    when it comes to mental healthyness and types of sports that include mental balance (like kung fu, yoga, etc) look at people who are fond of yoga, how they talk about how important yoga has become for them.

    no, one does not need to have mental problems to choose to live any type of homeless lifestyle, but if you live a lifestyle within western “culture” you are more than a few steps closer to developing a mental illness by design(d by your “wealthy” billionaires) ;-) and if you add a mental balancing element like yoga or kung fu (or others) to your lifestyle that maybe also comes along with a philosophy of its own that is a trillion times more worth beeing lived than the whole western “culture” itself, then i am sure, one cannot persuade those, with no existing luxury, no advertising, propaganda, or other brainwash technics to leaver their “homeless” lifestyle. for what? (list of all low-value “luxuries” that any ill-minded society could “give” them while stealing everything of value from them to be added here)

    humans have choosen to wander around, to walk to a different continent or to a religious site for lots of millenia, maybe since humans even exist. Doing such by walking on foot can take years or even decades but deciding to do so does not need a mental illness.

    as far as i have met a few people that are on such a course by chance, my best guess is that you maybe just have to change your viewing point and direction to get in contact with some of them, maybe no matter where you are on earth (excluding antarctic and north korea maybe)

    maybe make a test by your own, make a backpack travel for some month in a different country/continent, do not start unprepaired, plan how to do it, read and talk to people who have done it, look for a route that is common to do such, think of what you “need” to take with you and fits in a backpack not too heavy, reconsider to leave everything out you “might not” need or could buy on the way if really needed. when starting, stop your time schedule, follow your planned route somehow but allow side trips, talking to strangers for hours about anything if you like, tell your friends at home whenever your route changes, but let things happen and see who you meet. Getting lost can become an advanture with experiences you might not want to have missed for the rest of your life. But take care, there are dangers out there too (better not swim with crocodiles)

    there is no substitute for getting your own glimpse of what freedom feels like.