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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2025


  • I’m not an Old, just … old (40’s.)

    It is largely under the belief that the government is only a hindernace, and that only scammers and thieves actually get the help that is promised, so do away with all of it. i have two full time care siblings and my own vision is… fumbly (highly technical term.) We have had to fight tooth and nail for disability while i’ve been spoonfed over the past twenty years facebook accounts of people who get rediculous amounts but obviously don’t need as way of reenforing racist and bigoted views.

    They’ve been fed the whole rugged indavidualist line since they were young and ‘never accept handouts because we’re not the ones who need.’

    Plus a good old fashioned dose of ‘walk it off you aren’t hurt you’re being a pussy’ reinforced by how shitty our healthcare system is (that their party broke, yet obama gets the blame.)

  • Wait what? Big trouble in little china got- Pardon I’m gonna need to process that for a moment as that’s one of the few things me and my stepdad will call time out on arguments on. It’s a great carpenter adventure movie. It’s literally a sendup of the modenr john wayne archatype. Hell, jack isn’t even stupid, he’s just, to borrow a tv tropes term, wrong genre savvy. Also I recommend the boom comics when/if you can.

    it contextualizes him refusing to kiss Grace Law at the end and… it is utter heartache in the best way.

    Dredd … needed a netflix mega city one police proceedural followup. with Urban’s Dread showing up a couple times when thigns get above everyone’s heads both to prevent his overuse and to remind everyone WHY he is feared.

    I’m gonna admit i saw the Dune novels as overrated, but i liked that the 80’s movie tried to have fun while telling the story.

    Well at the point red dawn was made, we were starting to thaw on the russians, even as Regan kept juicing the Empire of Evil rhetoric. The message ‘war destroys everyone’ is a good one.

  • Stallone Dreadd.

    I am in complete agreement with everything you said about it being a crime against 2000 AD Dreadd, yet if one can excize rob schnider from it? It’s popcorn. I’ve asked a few fan editors to have a crack at it because for me it has the same issue as Constantine. It is its own thing I can both appreciate it for being its own thing while also being a crime against the source material…

    Urban Dredd? I kept hoping netflix would pick that up as the pilot to a mega city one police proceedural. that was just some solid movie making and wish we’d gotten more, though conceed ‘what would you do for a sequel?’ thus the idea of direct to stremaing platform show giving any of a number of plots time and space to breathe.

    For me Tron Legacy was a case of ‘disney squandered what they had, then when that one airbrushed movie bombed and they got the MCU they shelved Tron’ … likely permenently. Had a fun soundtrack. Ya the father/son story is a cliche but it’s more an excuse to tour the world more than anything. I liked Legacy’s look as both Kevin’s use of late 80’s ‘money is no object’ hardware vs late 70’s likely PDP based hardware alongside software changes. After all by the end of the eighties the Unix Wars had happened and the landscape had changed. Plus Uprising, while flawed, had promise and showed what life was like in the early days of the regime when CLU kept a facad of normalcy.

    Strange Days feels like one of those movies a LOT of people sleep on and gloss over. I am seriously recommending finding the fan edit scene and seeking it out, because the work done just… elevates it.

    I can respect your opinions of Highlander II. again, fan edits do a lot to save this one for me but even at base ‘eh it’s in the slush pile of shit movies I can run in the background. It’s goofy it’s dumb… run with it.’ Then again I’ve kinda hated most of the highlander movies past the first one for having very little that interests me. Though I did love the show. It was a fun ride even when it got weird. Though I will admit it is guilty of helping popularize the ‘katanas are just better’ trope.