yes and i’ll be surprised if the gop manage to extricate him from their party
yes and i’ll be surprised if the gop manage to extricate him from their party
don’t most people have dynamic ips?
The simulation designer would not be creative enough
now you’re making assumptions about how the creators of our simulation think, when we also know nothing about them
why would you assume they think in the same way we do? why would you assume what they do would even be considered “thinking” by us at all?
fall somewhere on the spectrum of having a complete inversion of the rules of their universe or having an exact copy of the rules of their universe
there are natural limits to what would be conceivable
firstly, i don’t think that holds true under the laws of our universe
secondly, why would it hold true under the laws of theirs?
“influenced by” doesn’t tell us anything about the concrete rules of the simulating universe
Or maybe whoever simulated our universe intentionally deviated from the rules of their universe for the fun of it.
likely it’s being run on a jupiter brain or matrioshka brain
if you accept the premise that our universe is a simulation, why would you assume anything we know about it follows the rules of the simulating universe?