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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Yeah this is just noticeable because most products weren’t even resealable, they just expected you to seal em yourself with a clip, twist em, put em in a container, etc.

    Now they are adding cheap resealable zips to the bag, which is nice in theory but the bag material has to be strong enough to support it.

    Actual ziplock baggies themselves are made of thick plastic that can take a bit of abuse.

    But cheap paper plastic hybrid materials a chip bag us made of can’t handle that sort of load, so it becomes the fail point.

  • It does mean something.

    The skibidi toilet “creatures” are considered the antagonists, and the word is associated with their traits.

    • creepy
    • gross
    • scary
    • weird

    Its an insult to and pretty much interchangeably with “creepy” with a splash of “cringe”

    Often paired with “ohio” which means “bland” / " boring" / “mid”


    “Yo he got that skibidi Ohio rizz”


    “This dude has zero game, in fact he is creepy and weird and has negative charisma, people find him repulsive and boring”

  • Also even going with the flood theory, pretty sure Egypt comes after Noah even in the Bible itself >_>;

    The world did flood when humans were around (most cultures have great flood stories from ancient times), but that was way way before Egypt.

    Amusingly iirc the Nile nearby however is a great example of proof the earth once was covered in ice the melted and flood, as I believe it’s a giant striation or whatever the term is, huge gouge left behind by receding ice, no?

    That’s why it’s so big and runs so far, it’s ancient from countless years of erosion and meandering after being carved out during the ice age.

  • In terms of the erosion, doesn’t wind erosion on raised surfaces behave very similar to how water erosion on shores behaves?

    Since both are just fluids brushing up against surfaces, and the fact in the desert the wind will have a lot of silica dust in it, it stands to reason the wind currents around the pyramid would have very similar erosion patterns to water on a shore.

    Fluids are fluids, air doesn’t behave to dissimilar from the ocean, and wind is not to dissimilar from water currents in terms of the physics.

    Silica dust will kick up off the nearby dunes, carry in the wind, but due to its weight it’ll be less likely to erode higher elevations. So the tip top of the pyramid is high enough up sand in the wind won’t reach it as easily so it erodes way slower.

    Much akin to how waves crash on a coastline, water has weight so the higher an elevation is, the less and less sea spray it gets hit by, so it erodes slower.

  • Yeah its wild how people think that glyph depictions of legends on a wall (and people looking at that and going “Ah yeah, this is depicting a scene from their legends we have text versions of too”), somehow think we’re arguing giants were real.

    To that I just will say that it’s likely “giants” legends were just born through the simple fact way back in the day, people were a lot less homogenous and that people’s height had a lot more variation, due to how secular living was (instead of taking a plane to the other side of the world in a single sitting, you would take multiple days just to go 1 village over)

    As a result you had a lot less genetic “sameishness”, so you likely had some areas where people were a lot shorter, and then other areas where people were taller. In particular colder climates had shorter people, and hotter taller.

    Due to people’s nomadic natures, it’s pretty likely most legends of both “wee folk” and “giants” were just tall as fuck people from country A meeting up with short as fuck people from country B.

    We literally, right now, have humans who you can put em side by side and person A is over twice the height of person B.

    So yeah, it’s not hard to imagine if you had a whole family of tall ass people meet up with a family of short ass people, you’ll get through word of mouth (and a bit of story telling), you’ll get legends of “giant” folk.

    In particular the folk of europe, especially vikings who travelled quite far and wide, had some pretty fuckin huge populations in terms of height.

    And inversely we also had a fair number of fairly short and stout folk from other countries in the middle east.

    If one were to meet the other, I mean, it’s not hard to see where the legends would get spun from, lol

  • Uh… Sumarian texts talk about giants a few times, and they are depicted often in their glyphs and whatnot.

    The Anunnaki are pretty much always depicted as much larger than humans and godlike. Their texts describe them in detail.

    It’s literally been translated down all the way to the king James Bible (these ancient texts are the baseline for Abrahamic religions, IE dead sea scrolls):

    Genesis 6:1[4]

    There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

    This is pretty well known that abrahamic religions truly believed giants used to roam the earth. It’s not weird for old glyphs on walls of the very stories of those same religions to depict giants considering their religion talks about em a few times lol.

    Literally just Google up on the Anunnaki, there’s lots of info on it.

    PS, you way wanna take a second look at that picture, and take note of the fact the giants are being depicted literally as tall as trees are, which were included for scale likely on purpose

  • Others have covered the fact it’s because of air pressure but haven’t fully answered why that is the way it is.

    It’s simple really.

    The force of gravity is also at play. As you go higher up, gravity gets weaker as you get farther from the earth’s centre.

    And it is that gravitational force that increases the air’s density, same reason why if you keep going down in the water, the water gets denser.

    For the heat to move around you need to be in a sort of goldilocks zone of density.

    It needs to be dense enough that the fluid molecules can move around and spread the convection energy around… but not so dense they can’t move much either.

    Furthermore there’s actually a couple different layers of our atmosphere.

    First at our level is the troposphere, where heat is absorbed into the ground itself and radiated back out, as well as the perpetual heat from the earth’s core, and reflected off the ground too (visible light).

    The troposphere is warm and gets colder as you get farther away from the earth’s surface, naturally. That heat is absorbed by the air itself so, as you get farther away it gets colder as it has more air to travel through.

    Up higher is the Stratosphere, where it’s ice cold and the air thins out.

    However we get a sudden uptick in temp as we go even higher into what is called the Stratopause, back to briefly warm temperatures between the Stratosphere and the Mesosohere. Why? How?

    Simple, this is the little sweet spot Ozone molecules hang out, forming a protective convenient bubble around the earth. Ozone absorbs Ultraviolet light from the sun and turns out that stuff is HOT, so there’s a band of a hot zone right above and below the Ozone layer. Think of it as a toasty little bubble around us.

    Above is the mesosphere which cools off again and gets back to being really frosty quickly, for the same reason the Stratosphere did, distance.

    Then we hit the mesosphere, which is effectively the point when the atmosphere is so thin it stops protecting and is the “outside” of our protective blanket.

    You can imagine this like earth being wrapped in a blanket, and the mesosphere is everything outside the blanket. Without any protection you are subject to the unbridled radiation of the sun which means you go back to being really toasty, as you get a bit higher you are effectively in space now and will soon enough hit temps that just cook you alive in a minute or two. Really bad sunburn zone.

    So to answer the question overall:

    Hot air rises… but only when there is air to rise.

    Top of the mountains just don’t have enough air anymore for it to really rise much more. It still does but the hot air rising effect just gets weaker and weaker as the air gets thinner due to less gravity.

  • a country known for its bad treatment of women

    Making assumptions about someone/something based off its country of origin sounds pretty xenophobic to me.

    The robot didn’t “grope” a woman, it moved its hand as an animitronic, and she was clearly standing right next to it during its animations.

    The fact that was blatantly blown into “groping” abd the fact the article felt the need to repeat that it happened in Saudi repeatedly, over and over, should trip the xenophobia alarm.

    Consider if it was an article about how an animitronic robot that moved and knocked a man’s wallet out of his hand because he walked to close past it. I.agine if articles turned that into “Jewish made robot tries to steal man’s wallet!” Unironically.

    You’d probably look at that and go “yeah okay, that’s pretty fucked up, whyd the do that?” Right?

  • Does that make me an incel?

    Nope, it’s become a self identification ascribed to. Only defining feature of an imcel now is saying “I’m an incel”

    And it happens to be that said communities are jam packed full of some extreme bigotry, hate, loathing, misogynistic behavior, etc etc.

    Which means a person who identifies themselves with that crowd, can be assumed to be of the same cut of cloth.

    In other words, a person like you would likely say “I haven’t been with a woman but I ain’t no incel though”, to signal you don’t identify with that culture.

  • Mountains of people bad at math convincing bigger mountains of people even worse at math that they can’t afford anything of major value.

    So in turn they go and spend what money they do have because why bother saving it if you’ll “never afford a x”

    In reality most of the “you can’t afford this and that” shit is built on top of bad math and content creators that don’t understand how shit works.

    And literally anyone with basic math skills can just go look for themselves and discover how bogus the claims are, or how much they misrepresent the state of things.

    But nope, it’s easier to give up and just buy forty Stanley Cups instead!