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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023


  • I’d say, because making the leap to “the mongol hordes built the wall” is pretty insane, when there’s many much simpler explanations? Because the idea of keeping “who actually made this incredibly long wall” a secret is nutty? Because if they were going to spend a ton of time and effort to try and pass it off as them making it, to the point there’s no records or even tales to the contrary, you would think they would have done something as obvious as moving the stairs to their side of the wall. There’s like no level at which this makes any sense. Good on you for being skeptical though

  • Out of curiosity, why does sex need a purpose? Why should it be or not be for anything in particular? What makes it any different from, say, juggling?

    Sex work isn’t just prostitution, by the way. It’s anyone making a living off of sexual content. If you’re shooting porn or are a cam girl, you’re a sex worker as well.

    Prostitution is problematic in that currently, because it’s an illegal service, it’s largely being performed by people who don’t have a choice in the matter. Human trafficking is a huge problem. If prostitution were legalized and regulated, if the societal “we” changed our collective attitudes towards it, life would improve for a lot of people. I struggle to phrase this next bit in a tactful way. If you’re against improving the lives of so many people because it doesn’t align with your view of sex should be for, that’s pretty shitty of you. Not saying that’s the case, I don’t live inside your head, but that’s how I see it.

  • It sounds like you actively enjoy your current gender identity. Most people who go on to change theirs don’t actively enjoy what it used to be, at best they generally just don’t feel connected to it. This was the case for me; I never felt manly, or enjoyed anything about being male. It didn’t bother me, but I never really connected to it.

    Ultimately, the only thing required for you to be trans is that you decide you want to be; there isn’t some magic checklist of signs or requirements that if you meet, you’re trans. If you think you might be happier in life with a fem gender identity, it’s up to you whether or not to act on it.

  • Go through your body from the head down, tensing each muscle for a few seconds and then letting it relax, one at a time. Then, work really hard at really envisioning somewhere, seeing all the detail in your mind’s eye. Focus on it. Imagine feeling the physical sensations of being there. The gentle sway of a hammock, the warmth of the sun radiating down on your face. Giving your mind something to focus on lets it stop being so active, and lets it relax. It’s like having the tv on late at night putting you to sleep.

    With the physical relaxation from the tensing and loosening and the mental relaxation, sleep should come much easier. It does take practice though.