“Ethical and legal objections”. The point in this case is that what’s legal is unethical, and what’s ethical is illegal. Analogous to other situations through history and countries, for example in the USA when it was illegal for black people to sit in certain parts of a bus, or in Germany when marriage with Jewish people was illegal.
As human beings, it’s always important to make the ethical choice.
Which can be further summarized: academics (🙋🏻) are basically a bunch of idiotic sheep, despite being in academia.
See also https://pluralistic.net/2024/08/16/the-public-sphere/#not-the-elsevier
Yeah to me too. I’m not clicking on that “Download client” link for sure.
I don’t know what you have in mind with “trustworthy”, and about what, so maybe this comment is worthless for you. But I’ve been using their cloud storage for several years (like other commenters here), for work-related files, and to sync them between computers and phone. Their syncing system and apps are actually great. No complaints on my part.
Restored! Maybe worth a post update?