woah holy shit a bio?

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Yikes. So this isn’t about me, it’s about 4 people who had lumbar or sacrum disc bulges/ruptures. Also over different points in time where medicine advanced.

    First was a music conductor about 22 years ago, 35-40 y/o. He opted for the surgery at the time. Full quick recovery. At the time it was about 50/50 for full recovery, or worsening of the issues.

    Second was a family member about 21 years ago, ~40 y/o he opted out of the surgery for deep steroid injections and physical therapy. It took about a year and a half, but it resolved, and no problems since.

    Third was about 12 years ago. Again early 40s, opted for surgery. Surgery was a success, but didn’t resolve it nearly as quickly or as well as the first person.

    Fourth was ~6 years ago, late 20s. Long history of back problems do to sports related compressions when she was younger (she was a ‘flyer’ in cheerleading). She was told she’d be an excellent candidate for the newest minimally invasive technique, but opted out of surgery and got the injections like the second person. However it did not, and has not resolved. She still refuses the surgery. It limits her ability to bend over, and get to the ground, still has pain and sciatica. She regularly sees a chiropractor (against the recommendations of everyone).

    I think, nowadays, a good orthopedic doctor will be able to give you the best care. It’s not fun, but it doesn’t need to be as scary as it used to be. Plus the symptoms can always get worse. You’re doing the right thing and listening to your body.

  • This is grade AA, top tier shitpost which means over analyzing is my specialty.

    First I read it as “Ghost of Chris Pratt” and the answer is yes, it would be a normal ghost.

    Then I read it correctly as Ghost of Christmas Past, and my answer is - maybe, but the ghost is able to bring the victim into events of their past lives, I think he could take Pac-Man back to a time where he ate a ghost that he didn’t realize what he had done, make him regret eating ghosts and prevent the ghost of Christmas past from being eaten at all.

    1. Slimer - yes, regular ghost, just messy and he’ll need a napkin.
    2. Do you mean Samara? Or is this a different The Ring. If Samara - yes, seems to follow the same rules as the ghosts in Pac-Man.
    3. Yes, he could, but that would imply Pac-man sleeps and dreams. If he doesn’t do those things how will he interact with Freddy pointy hands?
    4. No. The clown from “It” is an established demon, not a deceased person bound to this world.
    5. No. The ring wraiths are a weird kind of undead in that they are multiplaner and still both men yet their bodies no longer exist in our plane, yet have some sort of magic clothing that gives them form in our world. Essentially they didn’t die, so they aren’t ghosts.

    Over analyzing shitposts is my specialty

  • It’s not even a hard thing to recognize. The most authoritative piece on Monsters, Monster Hunter, explains this in detail. And here I am in Elden Ring with all “dragon this, dragon that” and I’m like where are these fucking dragons? Dragons have 6 limbs, these fuckers all have 4.

    Then I realized George RR Martin made the same mistake with his “dragons” in SOFA. So now I’m thinking he worked on Elden Ring as a propaganda piece to try and push the idea of 4 limbed dragons, or at least try to get the four-legged with wings attached to two to fall into that category. I can understand the confusion, but developing a whole videogame to push your mistake isnt very cool.