Buddhist, researcher, FOSS, Linux, selfhosting enthusiast, plantbased, anarchism and MLM interested.
Trying to be nice. I really dislike the Reddit style aggressive comments. If you are rude I will block and ban you.
What else
What’s the show
Someone has already uploaded it to a tracker. So you’re just asking to torrent
Not seeding sounds like an issue form your end. I’ve never heard of not taking seeds
Sorry, no I just recommended it because it’s typically the standard recommendation in my experience.
That dies sound frustrating though
Sorry! That really stinks! Wonder if qbit would work better
Title makes me think you’re gonna explain 🥲
Honestly I didn’t get an iPhone until 2021 or so and all of my android phones before then ran slow in a year or so. That never happened with my iPhones. Having recently gotten into privacy and selfhosting I have considered a pixel with graphene but don’t wanna waste money.
Worth noting I don’t use iCloud or any of those Apple related services.
I know my partner thinks the same way. My family all has them recently too. Idk why though. We mostly had Samsung before then LG earlier.
What’s that sports tracker? I can’t think of it but if you can watch it right afterwards there’s a famous tracker. Sportscult maybe
I get it, just wanted to voice my opinion ;)
when do honorary degrees ever matter
It also depends on your tracker. I swear all my open tracker seeds are 5.0 plus but many private one’s are barely .10. I think it’s a mix of popularity and port issues.
Feels like you don’t want to be friends with them. You respond more to me than them and idk you.
I responded to the last time you posted this, that yes you are. I would just stop responding to you. If you don’t want to engage then why respond at all? You can type out this long post but only one worded replies?
Deleted my comment just as I realized!
I’m seeding around 1600 things. I tried to seed a news paper I need, around 5k items and it crashed qbit.
What does it do?
I’m sorry misread your tone then and replied such. Thanks for clarifying
Good point, libreoffice sucks for word