Hi there!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • It’s worth noting that you’re looking at conservatives from a USA perspective, which is valid and very informative, it’s just that OP didn’t specify a country, so it might also be worth discussing conservative vs liberal culture in places like Europe too, or perhaps prefacing your wonderfully detailed response with something to clarify that when you’re talking about conservatives, you mean a very specific subset of them (as opposed to, say, the conservatives of the UK, where their political party is itself called the Conservative Party).

    Rock on! :-D

  • Jesus wept, if I earned HALF that I’d be very comfortable for the rest of my life. That’s an insane income.

    Imagine earning almost two hundred grand a year as a family and then suggesting it’s a struggle. That’s wild.

    I mean sure, if you live in a gated wealthy community and only buy the finest things, and have very high wealthy standards, then I imagine that would seem like pocket change.

    But 14,500 dollaroos a MONTH? That’s enough to support multiple families. That’s equivalent to SIX adults working a full time minimum wage job. SIX!

    Imagine being two people, bringing in the wage of six people, and suggesting it’s a tough life. I would kill to be in that highly privileged position haha.

  • Our western society thinks like a Capitalist in how all decisions are made.

    Either directly, or indirectly (usually both), our governments are run by - and for the primary benefit of - Capitalists.

    So, look again at this situation. Not from a moral standpoint, as Capitalism doesn’t concern itself with morality one way or another. Look at it from the position of “How can we make the most money and assert the most market dominance?”.

    Sometimes our Capitalist government’s goals happen to align with our morals, such as supporting Ukraine against the Russian genociders. Russia are hurting Western economies, and threatening future financial prosperity, and thus must be opposed.

    The fact that it’s the right thing to do never factors in - a happy coincidence that’ll help governments garner voter support.

    But the genocide Israel is currently perpetrating? The one that we’re directly benefiting from via weapons sales, the placation and strengthening of an ally in that region’s Market?

    What would our government take the path of less money? That goes against the very core of Capitalism, which says that all actions must be towards the goal of making more money.

    Everything has to be weighed and balanced of course. Let’s say you have a great way of making money, say, prisoner organ harvesting, but you know that doing so would lose you the support of your voters, and possibly start mass protests and riots (aka lost/damaged revenue streams).

    Well, you can’t make the maximum amount of money if you’re no longer in a high position of power, can you? So, it makes sense to not harvest prisoner organs. Sure, you lose out on that revenue stream, but you can find 10 others that wouldn’t otherwise be available, and milk those instead.

    So yes, “the people” can sway government decisions by taking action that threaten their bottom line, their profits, and we could stop them from supporting Israel’s current genocide, but that would take a huge effort, and that doesn’t seem to have materialised.

    The Capitalist government have taken the temperature of the market, seen that it will tolerate these business deals, and concluded that the best way to maximise profits is to continue.

    Capitalism is a force of nature, it doesn’t follow morals, superstitions, beliefs, it doesn’t feel fear or anger. It simply follows the most profitable path to the maximum amount of money.

    With that in mind, our government’s behaviour sadly becomes quite plain and predictable.