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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • I believe that either gender has a genetic disposition towards the feminine form.

    I am not sure you can conclude that. Environmental factors likely play a large role here as well as genetic factors. I feel we tend to idolize and sexualize the female form far more then the male form these days. But if you look back and different cultures that did the same with the male form I suspect you would see an opposite trend to both genders preferring the male form more often.

  • They can write good short bits of code. But they also often produce bad and even incorrect code. I find it more effort to read and debug its code then just writing it myself to begin with the vast majority of the time and find overall it just wastes more of my time overall.

    Maybe in a couple of years they might be good enough. But it looks like their growth is starting to flatten off so it is up for debate as to if they will get there in that time.

  • While being accurate about it is hard outside the lab it is very easy to tell where you are on the balance and how much out you are. Just count the calories you consume and weight yourself regularly. If you are gaining weight then you are eating too much, so lower the number of calories you are consuming, if you are losing weight then you are eating less than you are burning. If you weight remains stable then you are in balance. And the amount you are gaining/losing tells you how much of a surplus or deficit you are in.

    Over time you can then change the amount you eat by I few hundred calories at a time and you will see yourself move on that balance point. If anything else changes but your intake remains the same then it is likely your calories out that has changed. But even if technically you are digesting less for some reason it does not really matter - the bigger/easier leaver you have to pull is the number you are eating.

    Because you are measuring the final output - your weight - it is fairly accurate over time and helps you track actual progress. There is no need to get super accurate about how much your body adobes, shits out or you burn off at rest or through exercise - those might be important in the lab but in real life the far easier to measure weight and how much you are eating is more important.

  • I think this is true from the original definition of the word. But decades of one side calling out the other sides propaganda in harsh and negative lighting leaves a negative connotation to the word. Which results in each side avoiding the word for their own messaging and using the word for their opponents messaging. Which further reinforces the negative perception of the word and over decades of people doing this it has left a lot of people thinking it only ever applies to negative or deceptive messaging. And I think this was more impactful in places like the US where there were a lot of political people using the word in a negative way - such as in the big red scare campaign in attacking communist ideas by calling it communist propaganda and similar messaging.

    Which is shown by various comments in this post thinking it only applies to negative or deceptive messaging. So I would argue the meaning of the word has or is still changing - as words naturally do over time due to how people use them. Which I think goes a way to answering the OPs question, some places used the word more negatively which gives the people that live in those areas a more negative view on the word. While others have not and so people there have a more neutral take on the word.

  • Chinese manufacturers are quite flexible on pricing and quality - all the stuff is not the cheapest lowest quality stuff. One big problem they have though is that a lot of companies that farm out manufacturing to china do it to lower costs - and so opt for the cheapest things they can, then wonder why what they get back is a pile of crap and sell it on anyway.

    If you are willing to pay more then the quality can actually be very good. At lot of things things you think of as good quality are still made in china or at least parts of it are.

  • Cannot read the full article due to paywall… but what is up with that tagline:

    China is building (fission) nuclear reactors faster than any other country

    Can its scientists solve the fusion problem?

    What does the fusion problem have to do with fission reactors? They are completely opposite things and fission reactors cannot be converted to fusion ones nor any other way I can see helps with fusion at all… Like the tag line seems to be heavily implying. I don’t see how these two things are related, and I bet the article does not explain, does it?

  • Not surprising since car manufacturers lobbied to get them classed as light trucks to dodge the stricter emissions and safety regulations that apply to general cars. Then marketed the hell out of them as there is more profit to be made due to them not needing to comply with as many regulations. And now they are everywhere and are way worst than cars in almost every way.

    Funny how yet again the capitalist class chooses profits over any other metric leading to s shittier world overall. Almost like there is a pattern happening in every industry…

  • I think the entire fediverse should defed from anything under any form of commercial control

    I disagree with this point. If there was say a server about github content - news, posts about projects, questions and help for github related things would it matter if the server was ran by a independent community or github itself? I think a server ran like that would be a positive thing overall.

    That said, facebook/meta/threads is out for there profiteering off the community, squeezing anyone for what anything they can get out of you and have a huge history of doing the wrong thing in the goal of profit. A company like that should not be allowed in.