(Eat (soil and leaves)) vs (Eat soil) and (leaves)?
(Eat (soil and leaves)) vs (Eat soil) and (leaves)?
There was a whole mess with that cruise ship docked in Japan being counted as a separate case so it didn’t boost Japan’s confirmed case numbers, probably to save face before the Olympics. Looking back now it was only mental gymnastics.
Worst thing about this is that China gets to point fingers and claim racism while all East Asians abroad are lumped in with the CCP collaborators.
The Chinese logic is that they have enough domestic market to isolate themselves and shield from international pressure, economical or political. It’s been working for them since their homegrown platforms like wechat and weibo are big enough to sustain themselves.
It helps that Reddit along with other big platforms like FB absorbed all the traffic that in the old days would have been distributed into small separate forums. Not good for the ecosystem.
Social pressure is a real thing. I wonder just how many people in the US have iphones because of that dumb blue-green bubble stuff.
There’s no easy solution. Some are evicted from their homes with crushing debt, some have safety nets to depend on, some want to end their homeless situation as soon as possible, some, however, are content with eating discarded food and begging for cash to buy alcohol. Not everyone is a hopeless drug addict or a temporarily inconvenienced millionaires, and this is not even mixing charity into the problem.
My guess is whoever thought on implementing AI into this probably consider this a problem that can be made easy by offloading all our human problems into a black box. It isn’t going to be that way.
Linkedin is a cesspool and nothing but a dumpster fire. I wish I wasn’t pressured to joining it for job searches.
Let’s not mix NFTs into this.
So it’s somewhere between Open-Closed:
Ebola was the preview. COVID was the tutorial. We barely got through them after countless sacrifices made by people who actually gave a damn and even put their own lives at risk.
Not China, but you know the rest… like that Laotian character from King of the Hills who gets asked “So you’re from China or Japan?” everytime.
When I was told to get lost and go back to China because the pandemic reliefs were for the fellow countrymen.
was a well known cheat code from the era, not exactly obscure if not contemporary.
And to think, the Q shit started on these sites.
Are the customers polite most of the time? Any nasty encounters? (Blaming for defects, running away without paying)
Come on. What are you, fifteen?
I support democratization of PRC and justice for all activists suffering under CCP’s opression. That doesn’t mean I’ll join a lynch mob after an internet comedian who dared to protect his own life and of his family.
Sure, everyone must become a martyr for the noble cause and sacrifice their entire career so you can conveniently upvote and move along to the next meme. Fucking A+ 5/5 gr8 b8 m8
Do a sleep study when it’s possible, OP. If it’s sleep apnea, a proper CPAP therapy can definitely help.