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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • Ok.

    At least no one around me were actually hoping for Wagner to take out Putin. If Wagner were strong enough to pop Putin, who would take the power then? Prigozhin? Someone Prigozhin selected?

    The only outcome of Wagner getting rid of Putin would be someone as “nice” as Putin ending up ruling Russia.

    We would just end up with essentially the same problem but now with additional instability in a state with nuclear weapons.

    But there’s probably not a correct view on what people rooted for. I based my view on my experience from the people I surrounded myself with at the time.

    Either way, hoping for that anything Wagner does ending up good is naive. The only good thing Wagner has done was the Battle of Khasham.

  • Google has worked hard to break up Microsoft’s monopoly and Windows-Office lock in effect. The way Google designed Android and the eco system around it pushed out the model where you fully own your device. (“own” as in be in full control of what you bought).

    Nowadays people are used to get things for the price of their personal data and/or spending half of the time using their device by watching ads.

    As I see it, Microsoft has just adjusted their offering on the consumer market to what people are used to today.

  • A review commissioned by the UN said Israel had not provided evidence to back up the claim, but it found that Unrwa should improve its neutrality, staff vetting and transparency.

    The only way you can improve your neutrality is if you weren’t fully neutral in the first place.

    Anyone able to provide a link to the original review. Curious about on what level the UN Commission concluded UNRWA not being fully neutral, had flaws in staff vetting and not being fully transparent.

  • No. Not “in that case”.

    Fact: Hamas commits and have committed acts of terrorism and therefore Hamas is a terrorist organisation. It doesn’t matter what other countries have committed terrorist acts now or 100 years ago. There is no connection or dependencies.

    Hamas is a terrorist organisation because of them committing acts of terrorism. End of story.

    When BBC is asked to call Belgium a terrorist start you’re free to discuss that there. In that thread I will happily claim that Hamas is innocent to whatever Leo did in Africa.