That is a clever point but I think it also overly simplifies the nature of reality to such a point that it’s not likely to change any minds.
Couldn’t it also be argued that our lack of awareness of the big stuff also leaves open the possibility of free will?
But only in a completely hetero way wink wink nudge nudge
Sure would be nice to have real support compared to the garbage service I have right now.
Aw okay good to know. Thanks for the help.
Do you know if you can pause your service? I’m overseas for months at a time but like to be able to preserve my phone number.
You’re right especially in that it almost makes sense - the only people I’ve seen who are more allergic to nuance than libertarians are Trumpists
Good idea, is it on the same release schedule as fivehead?
Seriously, how is that not the answer to all this. This world is batshit crazy.
If I recall, Weird Al tries to get permission for all his parodies too, just further adding to the point that people mostly are good with that kind of attention.
Isn’t the breastfeeding function part of the reason breasts are sexualized? In other words - biologically males seek a female that can provide for her offspring so there’d be an evolutionary advantage for women who can at least appear to be able to do so.
The only reason this might see real legal action is that FB did this to other megacorps.
I’m interested in Ireland too, especially in the next few years as the reunification party is resurgent
Western powers started out relatively strong but at this point I could almost see Putin betting on a weak response. I’m hoping some of these warnings get heeded and the US/EU realizes they won’t even have to think about it if they simply provide Ukraine with overwhelming support.
Sure but the point is that for the American one to exist outside of its own little game, the German figment has to agree that it exists too.
These people can’t be this braindead. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that countries have to also recognize their political status to make it real in any way other in than their minds.
Absolutely whenever I have a problem with a package I check and it’s always DPD
Reminds me of a flight I was on with winds like that. Blowing across the runway as we tried to land. It was horrifying. The pilots had to bring the plane in at like a 30+ degree yaw (I think it’s yaw - pointing to the side) and straighten it out at the last minute.
First try they had to mulligan but I’ll be damned if they didn’t safely albeit very firmly set us down the second try.
If you’re adventurous try some pickled onions on that thar grilled cheese and then come back and thank me later