Some hearing people don’t have internal monologue, either!
Programmer by day, burnt out by night.
Some hearing people don’t have internal monologue, either!
Yep, and there is sign language poetry in lots of different sign languages!
It’s a beautiful and unique artform IMO
Most people who are medically deaf can still hear a bit. Also, deaf and hearing are proper nouns, no need to capitalise them for the NAD’s odd outbursts.
I’ve had Black Desert letting me play a bit with an outdated version (I didn’t know there were updates, I hadn’t used the launcher for a while) but it gave my account a time out of 10 days after my play session.
I was also surprised it didn’t just go “Nope, update first!” immediately, I kind of expected that would be the case if I didn’t use the launcher.
This also works with any Unity game which prefers to launch through a launcher.
If it’s an online game, like an MMO, they might put your account on timeout if you keep playing some outdated version of the game, though.
They can and do that without a launcher LMAO
Awesome, thanks!
She knows what makes men happy
Over 30 anime piracy websites shut down
Holy crap! Are any private trackers hit?
streaming sites like Aniwave
Oh so nothing changes for me, gotchu. They could’ve been clearer in the title.
and at least with a pc you can control it
most people don’t
Also true, and why I was skeptical.
Heck, you have people saying they control their computer but Chrome is going around scanning their entire system without them realising it!
That’s just because they sell them at a loss, and the games at a massive profit. This is widely known.
Don’t give it internet, return it if it “needs” internet.
What you’re doing is a losing battle; once internet connected everything is normalised they’ll stop working if you block tracking and suddenly you’re the weird one.
Instead, vote with your wallet, talk with others about how annoying/bad this is and get them to vote with their wallets, too!
You can return it.
And more lies we like to tell ourselves
Ok but salty goats that are stealing tho…?
I could see why it has use for professional accounting esp. when live editing. LibreOffice still doesn’t do live editing.
But what accounting do you do for your personal life itself that would require MS Excel? I’m asking since it’s the topic of the post; buying MS Office pro with a laptop for home use.
sidenote, LibreOffice does have xlookuo and I’ve happily used it a number of times before, I thought it’d be nice to know
Oh wow. The bug is actually there.
Recent Outlook doesn’t carry bloat. Or 70% of its former features.
“Deaf” just means that you have such profound hearing loss that you can’t communicate verbally properly, most deaf people do register sound albeit very badly.
I, for instance, have about 75 dB hearing loss, I don’t hear people walking, and barely register high heels on tiles, I don’t hear cars driving either, but I do hear it when they sound the horn; to give an idea of my deafness.
But I do know what spoken languages sound like, and what rhyming means. And how weird English spelling is, compared to its pronunciation. (English is my second/third language after Dutch and DSL, if that matters)
That said, there are people who really can’t hear anything, I know someone who’s ossicles (bones inside the ear, vital for hearing) don’t make contact, he’s never heard anything. He’s aware certain words sound alike and (in Dutch) mostly when their spelt the same, but only because school / people around him told him that.