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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • It is my understanding that awarded stocks are taxed as direct income at the time the stocks vest because that is essentially what it is. It’s money they gave you, but bought stocks with it on your behalf. If it is vested and public, it is yours to do with as you will, including selling immediately and just collecting your money straight up (no capital gains because no growth, all principal). If you hold it until it becomes worthless, that is no different then buying any other stock and holding it. Your tax burden should be partially offset by the capital losses, though.

    They say that they could not sell it. That either means that it wasn’t yet vested (there is often a period, like a year, before the awarded stocks from your employer vests), in which case they are correct that they shouldn’t owe income tax on it until it vests. OR, and I suspect this is the case, they either misunderstood or were lied to by their employer about what they could do with that stock. If it was vested, they owe income tax on it. If they were lied to, there may be civil recourse they could take against the employer. But if they just misunderstood and sat on stock until it was worthless, that’s just their fault.

  • Even if that nonsense actually did mean anything at all legally, why would he think that would be acceptable to the other party? Dude thinks he can do the equivalent of making an agreement while crossing his fingers right in front of their face and they’re going to be like “yeah, this is fine”.

    And that’s before the fact that, if the signature doesn’t bind the agreement, then there is no agreement and that goes both ways. You’re not held to the terms of the agreement and neither are they, meaning no house for you.

    Or does he somehow think that since they signed for-realsies and he signed with an attached asterisk that says “psych!” that they somehow legally owe him the house and he owes them nothing? Could you imagine if the world actually worked that way? Why would anyone ever enter into a contract like that? These people who think that’s reality do not seem to realize what chaos such a system would actually bring.

  • Mostly we’re more aware of the shittiness. On the whole, most things that were problems decades, generations, or centuries ago are objectively, measurably better now. However, there are specific things that are recurring problems or newer problems that have never existed before. Some of those are very serious problems that we are currently trying to, don’t yet know how to, or have failed to deal with. Things like climate change, mass misinformation in the information age, nuclear threats, gun violence, political corruption, war, and threats reproductive rights, LGBT human rights, and religious rights. So… bit of column A, bit of column B.

  • What the hell do you mean “appear” on the right shoulder of the queen?

    No, in fact, you could say it more clearly because that word, “appear”, does not describe an act of movement! And on top of that, the queen has a wall of pawns blocking all passage. How am I supposed to get past?

    What the fuck does “instant transmission” mean?!

  • Do a study comparing them. With a suitable sample size of cancer patients, it would be really easy to demonstrate that modern treatments led to more deaths more quickly than those untreated, and that your bullshit treatment leads to fewer deaths or outright “cures”.

    Put your money where your mouth is. Do the meticulous, rigorous science and prove your claim beyond reasonable doubt. It would literally be a paradigm shift in modern medicine. Nobel worthy for sure. Do it. Why aren’t you? Just being smug and self-righteous in your ignorance and misinforming vulnerable sick people on the internet instead is not compelling. Show me the data.

  • If we’re talking deities, as in supernatural creator beings, the answer would be yes when they want to be made of atoms and no when they don’t want to be. If they have the power of creation and form reality itself, their nature, both physical and spiritual, would be whatever they choose, right?

    If we’re talking non-infinite mind creating a simulated universe that we live in, then it’s more likely that they are made of something, though it may not be atoms or matter as we understand it. They would presumably occupy some sort of physical universe with laws and something like matter to give it physical properties, but there is no reason to assume that the nature of the universe would resemble our own or follow the same laws. Atoms and other forms of matter that we have in our universe may be a construct of our simulation, rather than a constant truth in all universes. And honestly, their universe may not even be physical at all in the sense that we all understand it. The answer is that we don’t know, have no way to know, and may not even have the capacity to understand even if we were given the answer.