I literally just set a box of half this stuff in front of Goodwill and ran away. Next time, though…
I literally just set a box of half this stuff in front of Goodwill and ran away. Next time, though…
Dang man! What other good ideas have you got??
Same. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this Sword of Damocles to fall for the last decade. Until they actually break up, however, I’m still curious to see the ramifications.
They seem to have got their act together after they realized they actually could lose their funding as well as their voting rights.
Just some basic saber-rattling to make sure everyone knows they’ve got a voice.
How shiny is the red handle? That shine might be too inviting.
Good. Tuberville is a heifer for this nonsense.
Wow, this heifer really has zero concern for possible repercussions to her actions or her words.
Shall the Brits return to the days of the houses that lent you a rope to drape over for the night before you go back to your wandering homelessness? At least a rope to drape over at night wouldn’t be as much of an eyesore as a tent, right?!?
People should just start camping out on her property by the thousands just on principle.
Why is the assumption that the individuals who will receive these jobs won’t be qualified for them?
I’m sorry, but in what world does this not make him a pedophile?
He went to a location to have sex with a 12-year old. There are loads of people in ass-pounding prison right now for those exact acts as pedos.
He’s a pedo and a rapist. This is some asinine Brock Turner level nonsense. The Dutch should be ashamed to have even accepted him back home let alone send him to the Olympics.