Developer. Feminist. Ecologist. Used to be a protection Paladin.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Thanks for the hopeful message.

    I have no doubt the French far-right would fail miserably like every other EU far-right government, and I wouldn’t bother too much in other circumstances but those suckers are Putin’s friends and the last thing I want to see happening is the end of Ukraine’s support.

    Macron just dismissed the government, and we’re up for new elections in two weeks. There’s a good chance that for the first time in the French Republic History we don’t have a single leftist voice at the government.

    We are famous for our protests indeed, but with a far-right government cops will just feel allowed to do their worst, and we might reach chaotic levels of violence.

    Anyway, thanks again for your message. We’re not there yet and I need to blow off some steam.

  • I got Manjaro Gnome installed on a 2015 MacBook Pro (and on a P400), but I see absolutely no reason why I should use Asahi on my M2 Max.

    I’ve been waiting for a Darwin+Gnome OS for years now but people seem to prefer ignoring that macOS kernel is open source too (just as Swift, Swift compiler, WebKit, Cups, ALAC, HealthKit, HomeKit…)

  • Where do you live? Need a place with a friendly neighborhood to cook my moonshine and get drunk all day with my cousin wife. She’s a huge fan of Barbra Streisand and a bit deaf so I hope you won’t mind. Most of our dogs are friendly with the kids unless they don’t ride a bike.

    I need to warn you though, sometimes my wife and get arguments about politics, especially when we start drinking in the morning, but it only happens once or twice in a week. No biggie.

    Did I say she’s a bit deaf?

    Anyway. See you soon neighbor!

  • Hello,

    If you only want to track the number of page views you can do something simpler.

    On your website, add an empty image with a known name in the footer that point to your home server (no proxy needed if your website allows loading images from external site)

    You should see the attempt to download the empty image in your home server logs. There are tools to parse your server logs for specific keys (I have Logstash in mind)

    If you want to track anything else, just add another empty image linked to the website event you want to track.