jlow (he/him)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I went to a Waldorf-Kindergarden and while it was okay mostly (except for some weird stuff like having no black crayons and not being allowed to leave white parts in paintings - or being left-handed, that was fun!) I would never ever recommend it to anyone, solely on the basics that it’s basically an ideology not unlike conspiracy-myths/religions. Even if you don’t realise it as a pupil I think it’s very dangerous - especially in today’s ai-fucked, post-truth climate - to grow up / learn in an institution that is basically anti-science (since is based on random shit* some racist dude made up a hundred years ago).

    *Can’t really remember but there are some weird theories about children’s mental development that are super out of date and mean that children aren’t allowed to learn stuff they’re super interested in because “they’re not ready yet”. Not a place I would want to sent anyone.

  • No idea if you’d enjoy it but I’ve been keeping a (digital) diary since 2018 (in a .txt file) and for me it’s really fun either checking out what I did this day last year (two, three years ago) and also randomly reading around. It’s a really nice addition to having photos (and my dreams would be to somehow combine the two, easily). So many things I’d never remember without this, like the one time the electricity went out for a afternoon in my town. I’m just writing a few sentences each morning of what I did (ate, worked, watched, felt, thought) yesterday each morning.