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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • It’s not a matter of knowledge, it’s a matter of what they want.

    One may desire to be advantaged/superior to some others, and particularly nice and easy if race or gender is a convenient shorthand for knowing who is ‘in’ and ‘out’, as long as you are in the ‘in’ group of course.

    So life is just plain easier if women are just supposed to sit there and please them. If the ‘natural order’ justifies that convenience, then one may be attracted to that thought. To the extent fairness and equality makes their life harder, they are inclined to be upset at that obstackle. It’s convenient if the legal and labor world gives their race preferential treatment, and other groups are left desperate enough to do whatever they need done but don’t want to do, and scared enough of the government to not get “uppity”.

    Sometimes overt evil, sometimes more subconscious manifesting as being very receptive to narratives that correlate with those feelings.

  • On the downside, he’s relatively unknown on the national stage.

    On the upside, it’s a natural progression, he served as governor for a full term and the timing is right to move on to the next political field.

    To add to your points, he’s a democrat who won the same exact elections in a state that Trump also won both times, a state that simultaneously elected republican supermajorities and a republican lieutenant governor while still electing him. A straight white southern man who is about as nonthreatening to GOP sensibilities as you can get without actually being a republican.

  • A non-duopoly choice is a 3rd Party candidate, Jill Stien, Green Party.

    Reading her platform, I’d say it’s a no go for me.

    Two bullet points back to back are “Have the UN Security Council hold Israel accountable” and at the same time “end the UN Security Council”. So which is it, use the UNSC to hold Israel accountable or the UNSC is a bad thing?

    Also on her platform, disband NATO and stop giving Ukraine aid. If we do this, then Ukraine and Russia will just hug it out and everyone will be happy. A few unrealistic things like this where it’s way too optimistic and paves the way for things to go horribly wrong.

    Then there are the good intentions, but bad consequences ideas. Pay reparations to third world countries for climate. Historically, “just dump money and resources” has been tried and you just give those to regional warlords that will make things worse. Need a more thought out engagement plan than that.

    Broadly some decent domestic policy goals, but pretty impractical foreign policy ideas.

  • I seemed to touch a nerve to even imply Microsoft ever has compatibility issues…

    Yes, you can get “modern” and give Microsoft continual money, yes, that was the whole point.

    As to no alternatives, well, there are. FreeIPA is pretty squarely an Active Directory equivalent. The challenge is that if you have both Microsoft and non-Microsoft infrastructure, you have to use Microsoft management for both because Microsoft will only interoperate with the Microsoft solution. Once you have any Microsoft, then the only option for an all encompassing solution gets automatically locked down to only Microsoft.

    Since you probably are employed by Microsoft or a Microsoft focused business partner, your perspective may be a bit skewed.

  • Their objectives went south around windows 8.

    They screwed up execution before, certainly, and in never was a huge fan, but they were at least trying to make what they sincerely thought was a intrinsically good desktop experience until 8.

    Windows 8 was when they had the fear of Android and iOS and the Microsoft phone os was failing on its own, so the mission for Windows 8 was to throw the desktop user experience under the bus for the sake of trying to bolster the phone platform, and maybe make PCs that were tablet like. Also seeing Apple and Google succeed with Internet account based access to the devices was a motivation to get people into an online ecosystem that would have the way to indefinite monthly payments and an app store where they could take a cut off all the application vendors’ revenue.

  • Think the point is that there’s no good option known and an overly short runway to build momentum, and the likely option would be Harris, and she’s already the default option.

    Instead of “Biden should step aside”, the calls should be more specific in what they affirmatively do want.

    Same with rhetoric about “just any third party”, that’s so vague that no one should want that, as third parties are very different and in opposition to each other.

    So calls for ‘not Biden’ or ‘just any third party’ are utterly useless except for screwing up chances for a D win, without any particular actionable agenda being advocated for.

  • First, this is not really science so much as it is science-themed philosophy or maybe “religion”. That being said, to make it work:

    • We don’t have anyway of knowing the true scale and “resolution” of a hypothetical higher order universe. We think the universe is big, we think the speed of light is supremely fast, and we think the subatomic particles we measure are impossibly fine grained. However if we had a hypothetical simulation that is self-aware but not aware of our universe, they might conclude some slower limitation in the physics engine is supremely fast, that triangles are the fundamental atoms of the universe, and pixels of textures represent their equivalent of subatomic particles. They might try to imagine making a simulation engine out of in-simulation assets and conclude it’s obviously impossible, without ever being able to even conceive of volumetric reality with atoms and subatomic particles and computation devices way beyond anything that could be constructed out of in-engine assets. Think about people who make ‘computers’ out of in-game mechanics and how absurdly ‘large’ and underpowered they are compared to what we would be used to. Our universe could be “minecraft” level as far as a hypothetical simulator is concerned, we have no possible frame of reference to gauge some absolute complexity of our perceived reality.

    • We don’t know how much we “think” is modeled is actually real. Imagine you are in the Half Life game as a miraculously self-aware NPC. You’d think about the terribly impossibly complex physics of the experiment gone wrong. Those of us outside of that know it’s just a superficial model consisting of props to serve the narrative, but every piece of gadget that the NPC would see “in-universe” is in service of saying “yes, this thing is a real deep phenomenon, not merely some superficial flashes”. For all you know, nothing is modeled behind you at anything but the most vague way, every microscope view just a texture, every piece of knowledge about the particle colliders is just “lore”. All those experiments showing impossibly complex phenomenon could just be props in service of a narrative, if the point of the simulation has nothing to do with “physics” but just needs some placeholder physics to be plausible. The simulation could be five seconds old with all your memories prior to that just baked “backstory”.

    • We have no way of perceiving “true” time, it may take a day of “outside” time to execute a second of our time. We don’t even have “true” time within our observable universe, thanks to relativity being all weird.

    • Speaking of weird, this theory has appeal because of all the “weird” stuff in physics. Relativitiy and quantum physics are so weird. When you get to subatomic resolution, things start kind of getting “glitchy”, we have this hard coded limit to relative velocity and time and length get messed up as you approach that limit. These sound like the sort of thing we’d end up if we tried simulating, so it is tempting to imagine a higher order universe with less “weirdness”.