If I was a mad scientist with no ethics I would just plant malunggay trees all over Sudan. Invasive species be damned.
No clue what I’m doing! I make music? https://www.jkgc.bandcamp.com
If I was a mad scientist with no ethics I would just plant malunggay trees all over Sudan. Invasive species be damned.
I’m just sensitive today it’s a bad day don’t mind me
Oh yeah you absolutely can legally grow your own… but I feel like natives got shafted and they should be able to grow in Mass produce them for sale… preservatives for decent shelf life aren’t necessary you don’t need cigarettes that last 40 years haha people just want it that way I guess… but I’d rather buy cigarettes with nothing but tobacco in them and throw out a couple of moldy ones at the end then smoke fromaldehyde and whatever the fuck else are in the mass produced.
Anyway I’m being downvoted into Oblivion for existing on this thread I guess so I’m going to peace out
Ur nice.
I’m not 100% up on the legalities of cigarette stuff but every cigarette in Canada has additives even the reserve cigarettes, and people are arrested for having Reserve cigarettes so I don’t know how they’re legally allowed to sell the cigarettes that they do produce, but it’s awfully regulated for sure… I haven’t heard of one Canadian native group that grows, harvests, and produces additive free cigarettes… maybe they exist, but they sure aren’t promoted if they do exist
‘Safe cigarettes’ or unadulterated cigarettes, I guess, are actually a great idea… we should allow native populations in Canada to grow and produce tobacco cigarettes with no additives… I think that would be great
I just like seeing your name pop up in my notifications, Satan’s maggoty cumfart.
And if you’re buying in bulk, it’s not anywhere near $800,000
I’m not buying it on the streets. Yes the doctor knows.
Good for you? Lol I have nothing to prove to people on Lemmy
Yeah but I enjoy it a lot more
I’ve been doing it that much for 7 years I’m fine. Noses still fine, doctors say I’m physically in shape and my heart is fine. I have done my research on cocaine, I’d rather do it than any other drug, and I would rather do it than drink. And yes, you can be sensible about where you source your cocaine from. Not everyone is out to murder their customer base with impure shit. Or lose money by selling people impure shit.
Yeah I noticed the in public part that makes sense I don’t need to do my cocaine out in public haha but also yeah I think I’m going to trust cocaine a lot faster than I would trust meth or amphetamine haha that’s just fucking crazy what the hell haha as long as your cocaine’s pure you’re fine.
I do about 2 to 3 g a day of pure stuff and it’s basically just a coffee replacement
God damn it all I want is fucking safe cocaine and the adult choice to fucking put it in my body
Yeah that’s the best part about it… I firmly believe he was the last chance
I mean there are literally almost no more Palestinians alive on Earth anymore but go off
Well then who is Israel attacking? If Hamas is in Qatar?
Actually in a way kind of yeah
After reading his biography I fully believe that he could have created Middle East peace he could have been so fucking great he was a good man
How dare you