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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • So glad to see that others are noticing this too… The hive mind effect also feels even stronger than it used to on Reddit, probably because the audience here is less diverse.

    Without knowing the data, I’m pretty sure I’m politically and ideologically quite aligned with much of Lemmy’s overall user base. Still, often when I point out misinformation or misconceptions even if they “don’t fit the narrative” of what I broadly believe, I get downvoted without anyone even responding with a counter argument. It’s extra frustrating because I know I probably agree with the opinions of those people downvoting me, it’s just that I believe there’s more nuance to many topics that I would like to discuss, but unfortunately the Lemmy audience acts as if everything is a black & white situation.

  • I made this same decision for myself explicitly just a few days ago. It’s just bad for my mental health to constantly be arguing with people online, especially with how easily online discussions turn sour in tone. It’s so incredibly rare to have an actual fulfilling discussion where both sides are open to having their minds changed, and thus there’s really no point to it.

  • Just an anecdote but I find this doesn’t align at all with what I’ve personally read from the NYT. I’ve been following their Gaza coverage pretty closely, and I really feel like it’s been highlighting the injustice of what’s going on quite well. Some of those articles describing the things happening to Palestinians literally brought tears to my eyes.

    Their comment sections are pretty consistently full of genocide apologists flaming them for supposedly spreading Hamas propaganda too.

    To be honest, I can somewhat understand that a major news outlet would want to avoid words like “genocide” even though I personally think there’s no doubt that it’s the right word to use. The debate around using these words is too toxic, and using them would quickly tip discourse even further into bullshit semantic arguments, in turn distracting from what’s being reported.

  • I’ve found that I dream a lot, I just forget quickly, which can feel like not dreaming. For a while I kept a very light dream journal, just writing down whatever small thing I remember, even if it’s just a feeling or something super vague. Don’t worry if you don’t remember anything initially — just being in the mindset was enough to boost my recall. Key is to do it right after waking up, while you’re almost still half asleep. Write on paper with a pen, not your phone — it’s too distracting.

    During that period I remembered multiple dreams each night in full, and the memories were incredibly vivid, sometimes almost lucid. It was honestly crazy — some of those dreams had elaborate storylines, often super interesting scenery, and sometimes even almost video game-like “mechanics”. I can only recommend keeping a dream journal… you learn a lot about yourself.

  • telling civilians to evacuate

    My dude, where the hell do you think these people can just go to? There is barely any land not under attack these days, and even if there is somewhere safe to go to, not everyone can just leave either because they physically can’t or just don’t have the means. Especially true when we’re talking about goddamn hospitals…

    many are coerced into staying by Hamas

    Again, a great reason not to bomb the area if that’s known to be the case.

    So no, I wouldn’t be ok with blanket bombing any hospital full of innocent people.

    Then why aren’t you condemning Israel’s conduct? This is exactly what’s happening.

    I would be ok with bombing a hospital where innocents have been told to leave and where terrorists and their weapons are located.

    So, let me rephrase the question: in a hypothetical situation where hundreds of Israelis were kept in a location with a bunch of Hamas in the basement and coerced to stay there by hamas, do you think the IDF would be justified in bombing it?

    Tell me where are all the protests against Hamas?

    I don’t even want to engage with this point because it’s not relevant in this discussion whatsoever. Unless you think innocent people deserve being bombed because they don’t demonstrate against a violent regime within an active warzone while trying to survive.

  • You keep making this argument but I just don’t get. How does the supposed presence of Hamas in / under / around a target full of innocent civilians and children in any way justify bombing the area with what can only be described as full disregard for innocent casualties? Would you be ok with the IDF carpet bombing a hospital full of Israeli citizens based on intelligence that a bunch of Hamas are holed up in the basement? If not, why is it okay if it’s innocent Palestinians instead?

    Yes, Hamas strategy of endangering citizens is horrible. Does it give Israel blanket permission to just bomb densely populated civilian areas? Absolutely fucking not!

  • there are mass deaths in a war

    What is happening in Gaza right now is abnormal by so many metrics, including % of children killed, % of civilians, and number of reporters. It’s far from normal even in context of the more chaotic wars in history. Stop trying to normalize it.

    If Hamas surrendered themselves the war would end.

    Do you really think that after Israel just brutally murdered thousands of innocent young people’s families, they’re going to want peace? What Israel is doing right now is making sure that there’s going to be a fresh wave of “terrorists” down the line. If you actually want lasting peace, what is going on right now makes absolutely no sense

  • It’s not that simple though. VPN providers in most cases have been externally audited not to store any logs of user activity, meaning they couldn’t comply with government requests of this nature. Generally, their entire legitimacy as companies depends on trust, meaning they have much stronger incentives to actually keep user data private than an ISP does. Of course I agree that using a VPN is no privacy silver bullet, but it’s not like they have zero privacy benefits either.