Is there a i2p or onion for libgen?
Is there a i2p or onion for libgen?
Signal is what I use.
What did bitwarden do??
Ive used this page a few times to help friends with setups. I just offlined a copy so I won’t need the bad site anymore.
Just started the import! Thanks again.
Is there a trick to this? I have attempted several times. It always says the path is wrong… I’ve opened terminal for the container and CD into the directory and LS to see all my photos. Copy the path name and put it into the external library and it still says bad path.
Thanks. Database would error on backing up. Because I did not do that backup command in the link. I just used rsync to off site.
Same Error. Weird.
Here are some more screenshot of the disk. Maybe its a BTRFS failure?
This is the error from my laptop when I try and mount. It asked for the encryption password just before this. And makes all the normal annoying hard drive sounds.
I attempted to mount the disk and it says “unable to mount”.
I think there might need to be more than one cylinder. (Referring to photo) Hmm…
I used to use these guys for the same reason. I moved because of the forced agreeing to giving them your data. And now I’m paying less else where.
Are the Reolink wireless? What models? Do you have outdoor ones? Im looking for outdoor.
The blink cameras are battery powered. 100% wireless (no network or power cables) . Only trigger on motion or if activated for live stream.
What wireless cameras are you using. I too love frigate.
I do love me some ESP32! I did not think about doing this… I am sure there are stats on power consumption. I think making it outdoor/weatherproof would be the hardest part.
Do you have any that are solar? or outdoors?
That is what I am currently doing but the usb port on the unit is 2.0 so its dog slow!
Neat! TIL
Had the same thought…
My nas is a Synology with raid.