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Cake day: September 20th, 2023

  • Someone wasn’t listening when they were supposed to learn the Golden Rules of EMS -

    ‘You are there to be a part of the solution. Don’t become part of the problem.’

    And for those that are wondering about the rest of the rules:

    ‘If you think you understand what is going on, you haven’t been paying attention’

    ‘PPE! All the time, every time!’

    And finally - ‘…into the recovery position - Always roll the patient towards you partner so you don’t get puked on.’

  • Yep. Applesauce can be used as a replacement for oil in cakes and some quick breads. I’ve done it on the rare occasion I’ve been short of cooking oil for a cake. Don’t think I’ve ever swapped it in for all the oil though. It does give a bit different texture and flavor, I find it kind of pleasant myself. And youy will need to probably bake the cake for a bit longer too. YMMV based on your oven.

    I personally would not use applesauce to fry in though. But perhaps Flying Squid’s mother should experiment for use and they can report back to us on the results.

  • While a baby is more laundry than you are used to, try having 4 teen-aged Daughters in the house.

    I swear the washer and drier ran 24/7 from when then oldest hit about 12 years old until the youngest moved out for collage. I went from needing to wash kids clothes to repairing the washers and driers they went through. I even needed to take my own clothes to the laundromat in town 6 miles away so I could have clean clothes more than once…

  • I think GM tried with the Chevy Bolt. It was the cheapest EV with good range, (265 miles/426km), with a base model available for under $30,000US. Despite the early battery issues that DID get fixed, No one bought it. Chevy does kind of say they would be willing to bring it back with their new Ultium battery. But I’m not holding my breath.

    The biggest problem with EVs is the purchase price. They cost far too much to buy. And there is not much of a market for used ones.

  • OK, so without looking it up. What is the distance between New York City and Seattle? Or Berlin and Paris? You don’t really know how far nor can you “see” that distance in your mind. But you have a really good idea how long such a trip will take.

    And like most things in day to day life, the context of the discussion is the indication of travel. Again, you probably can’t say exactly how far away the store is, but you do know how long it takes you to get there by foot, bus, train, car, or airplane. Think about how you actually talk about such things in a normal, everyday conversation. When asked, do you tell everyone that the grocery store is 1.2 miles/1.93Km away?

  • These days people can’t seem to envision distance very well. So they don’t really care “how far” something is, but rather “how long” does it take. You probably don’t know actually know what the measured distance is to the nearest grocery store is from your home, but you know how long it takes to get there. Whether that’s by foot, bicycle, bus, train, car or plane.

    You have a better mental image of time rather than distance. So it’s easier to envision for you. Time seems to be a much more used everyday measurement for travel. And does away with needing to know how many “hogshead per mile” or “baguettes per kilometer” a destination might be. After all, that’s most likely someone else’s problem and not yours. Is it the best way? I personally don’t think so, but it’s a common method.

  • There is a tiny, tiny kernel of truth in that statement. And by in large, regardless of political beliefs, most people want a strong central government applying top down solutions to their problems. (Which can have it’s own set of unintended issues)

    An example might be single payer health care. A majority of voters would really like it. But it’s one thing to say that and get it passed. But it’s another whole ball of worms to create the nuts and bolts of such a system. Everyone has their own ideas about how it should work. And until you can get everyone to agree on the nuts and bolts in a democracy there will be difficulties. So unless you have the outright power, (something not so “democratic”), to say “This is how we are going to do it”, you are going to probably end up with a gridlocked discussion and no healthcare. And if someone does have that power to force the answer - even it you don’t like it - your democracy isn’t what you think it is.

  • This drone attack by Iran may have more to do with “showing” it’s little vassal terrorist groups it’s prodding and bankrolling into doing Iran’s dirty work that Iran is “doing” something militarily in support of Hamas and the Houthi.

    What is a drone strike that is going to take 8 to 10 hours to arrive supposed to accomplish when it’s so easy to spot coming well ahead of time. It’s not like Iran doesn’t have missiles that can hit Israel in a handful of minutes if Iran really wanted to do damage.