What are they even saying? Plasma Moon Live X-ray, WTF? The pictures are of the moon, I don’t understand what they are saying? The Moon is fake and the Earth is flat?
What are they even saying? Plasma Moon Live X-ray, WTF? The pictures are of the moon, I don’t understand what they are saying? The Moon is fake and the Earth is flat?
“Nobody” as in the world at large isn’t paying enough attention to the clown? He still gets plenty of coverage in the US! For his followers the more international attention Trump gets, the better, it doesn’t matter what kind it is.
You’re fooling yourself if you think the Israeli military actually knows where Hamas is and is target bombing. If they knew where Hamas bomb factories and the like were, then they would have bombed them before the attack. Israel is just bombing random targets. Like apparently several thousand strikes, some serious WW2 level bombardment. Seems much more likely such factories would be underground.
You’re falling into the trap of thinking Israel has some kind of legendary intelligence force when the attack showed they were only fooling themselves.
The intense bombing is just to drive away the population and empty out the area so the Israeli military can go in with ground forces without taking a lot of casualties. They won’t go in on the ground unless a majority of people leave the area. Urban fighting with high rise buildings is a guarantee for mass casualties on the attacking force. The Israeli military is mostly reservists, so a lot of people with minimal combat experience and mostly did checkpoint duties in their active time in the IDF.
I live in the southern USA, evangelical folks in my area are fully onboard with Israel support. Facebook links constantly, sign boards in front of churches, those annoying free newspapers they publish and leave in the driveway.
It’s all anti Muslim and some really creepy genocide talk.
That is probably the go to when they get pulled over, out comes the Bible quotes on why God said it’s OK.