You saw ankle bone? You got some ankle cleavage, you dirty devil, eh?
You saw ankle bone? You got some ankle cleavage, you dirty devil, eh?
Because it’s costly to bring materials and to set up mining operations, a lot of tools will be made of readily available moon rock. So, maybe we’ll have a moon stone age, too.
Sure, and I agree it’s scary. I just find the drone scarier.
Sure, but you don’t just do one or the other. You diversify. If you had all of these coming after you, which would you find more deadly, the dog or the drone? For me, I’d say the grenade drone. You can manufacture a lot of grenade drones for the cost of one gun dog.
Yes, apparently, they meesed.
That is how his power developed and he doesn’t want to share the spotlight!
Have you seen The Matrix Resurrections? It seems just like something The Analyst would do to us as a joke.
Yes, the same here. We had 2 kids (and then a vasectomy). We’re not rich, but we do have a house we could sell to aid leaving, and we have enough in savings to make it without selling the house, if we needed to leave right away. Of course, environmental issues will be a global problem, but the response to those will likely be better in some places as compared to others.
Yes, my wife and I considered not for environmental reasons. My parents thought we were nuts citing the threat of nuclear war when they were kids and everyone continuing to have kids then. They’ve come around to understand our hesitation now, mostly, but it was distressing that they couldn’t understand , if not agree, with hesitating.
Of course, the environment is just one thing that gives us pause these days. People are crazy. Politicians and the laws they create are (or the dissolution of certain laws is) crazy. Plenty of reasons to pause.
All your weather are belong to us!
Heavy groceries do not go on top of eggs, fruit, etc. Cold groceries together. Dry groceries together. If there’s a bunch of bags inside of a bag, use those before the bag that’s holding the other bags.
Wtf, Publix baggers? I get you don’t get paid 6-digit salaries, but this is not heart surgery.
I believe that stick has transitioned from sword to lance.
Anyone have an Android version of this?
I believe we determined that Jesus invented Buddha and Buddha invented VPNs. So, by extension we could say without Jesus, there would be no VPNs. Also, no corn chips.
Ultron, I believe, is his source.
The musical? We still need ushers.
Like five niiiine!