Socialist Mormon Satanist

Mormon Satanist. Transracial Socialist Workers Party Kopimist Monk. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Woke-free. 45,000 downvotes. Still standing tall—defying the norm proves I’m on the right path. “True power lies in the hands of workers, not the Duopolist elites.”

  • 9 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2024


  • So what would I have done that resulted in a permaban if I’ve never even heard of that instance? I have only ever posted here on

    The user who posted it is trying to make some point that I am an obvious troll and says that I got perma banned for “toxic” behavior and then posted that screenshot. And I couldn’t really reply, because I had no idea what any of it meant! I asked him to post shots of any comments on that instance that would have resulted in a permaban, but he declined.

    And thank you for the invite! I have heard others mention it as well, so I will definitely look into it!

  • If my words are striking a nerve enough to earn all those downvotes, then I must be doing something right. It only proves that speaking truth to power rattles the cages of those who’d rather keep things as they are.

    It’s laughable that you’d mistake a socialist like me for a Trump sympathizer just because I refuse to bow to your candidate. Keep worshiping your duopoly’s two-headed snake—I’ll stand tall, proudly independent, and untainted by your capitalist chains. :)