Yep, I noticed that too, OP. And when I point it out, they claim I’m crying victim or that I have “main character syndrome” or that I am sealioning.
But you’re not alone. Other people notice this just like you do.
Mormon Satanist. Transracial Socialist Workers Party Kopimist Monk. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Woke-free. 45,000 downvotes. Still standing tall—defying the norm proves I’m on the right path. “True power lies in the hands of workers, not the Duopolist elites.”
Yep, I noticed that too, OP. And when I point it out, they claim I’m crying victim or that I have “main character syndrome” or that I am sealioning.
But you’re not alone. Other people notice this just like you do.
Create one, friend! It’ll start off slow, but it may build up.
Love your work. I just donated!
UniversalMonk has earned some of the negative response he’s getting.
I just post the articles that get the downvotes. I don’t write them. :)
Ahh, ok. Thank you! I was figuring it couldn’t be too serious since i had never even knew about it until this random user starting posting screenshots of it and calling me toxic. lmao
This community is awesome and helpful. Thank you!
Thank you. I was just curious because the guy is really laying into me and laughing about it, but other than his screenshot of an instance I have never heard of, he has no posts to show me that would have gotten me banned. lol
But hey, probably already spent too much time. I think he may have been behind the whole thing. He’s been following me on Lemmy a few days now. Thank you! You guy are awesome!
So what would I have done that resulted in a permaban if I’ve never even heard of that instance? I have only ever posted here on Lemmy.world.
The user who posted it is trying to make some point that I am an obvious troll and says that I got perma banned for “toxic” behavior and then posted that screenshot. And I couldn’t really reply, because I had no idea what any of it meant! I asked him to post shots of any comments on that instance that would have resulted in a permaban, but he declined.
And thank you for the Kbin.earth invite! I have heard others mention it as well, so I will definitely look into it!
I’m not sure that you yelling out to the world that you are voting for Jill Stein and Putin (!?) is really fitting the subject of this thread and post. Are you ok?
This sidetrack is long enough.
Lets try to get back to the topic about Reddit.
It’s clear as day that you’re the one spreading lies and that you’re trying to keep this rigged duopoly in power.
I see through your game, and I don’t trust your motives one bit.
Republicans like you are always desperate to sway the election in favor of the status quo, but I’m here to expose your agenda and fight for real change. Don’t worry friend, I know what you’re up to.
It’s clear to me that you’re the one with ulterior motives here. Your accusations reek of someone trying to protect the very system that keeps us all down, and I don’t trust your intentions one bit.
I’m ruffling feathers and getting hate because I’m challenging the status quo and standing up against the comfortable lies that prop up this broken system. You can mock all you want, but I’ll keep fighting for real change while you keep clinging to the duopoly like it’s some kind of savior. :)
If my words are striking a nerve enough to earn all those downvotes, then I must be doing something right. It only proves that speaking truth to power rattles the cages of those who’d rather keep things as they are.
It’s laughable that you’d mistake a socialist like me for a Trump sympathizer just because I refuse to bow to your candidate. Keep worshiping your duopoly’s two-headed snake—I’ll stand tall, proudly independent, and untainted by your capitalist chains. :)
hahaha, wow, I had no idea. Ick.
Yep! I was permabanned from reddit for posting an article about voting Third Party. First they banned me from the r/poltics sub for 3 days. I logged in on third day, and found out I had been permabanned from the entire site. LMAO
Now here on Lemmy, people still hate me because I’m voting Third Party. But no bans, so yay! I love Lemmy!
Lemmy is full of communists/socialists
Socialist here! Lemmy is much more welcoming than Reddit.
if you’re a Stalinist, you have at least three solid options.
And what options are those?
I prefer Lemmy, even tho it can be a little too reddit-like. But the mods do seem to be a bit less ban-happy, so that’s a good thing.
But since I vote for third parties, I get pretty much the same hateful comments I got when I was on Reddit. But hey, at least I’m not banned! :)
So as someone else said, more assholes here, but less hivemind.
I subscribe to discussion topics, that’s why I’m on lemmy and not mastodon.
Yep! I feel the same way!
Right?! lol
Great post!