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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024

  • If you think your dad was sent to fight against the Nazis for ideological opposition, i have bad news for you. Maybe he personally fought out of that motivation, but must countries at the time were either fascist themselves or on the edge to fascism.

    If you look at the US there was the ongoing genocide against native Americans, the racial segregation, eugenics, despicable human experimentation carried out on minorities, concentration camps for Japanese during WW2… Even the pledge to the flag in the schools was something Hitler admired and copied. Until the German Nazis became unpopular in the US the pledge to the flag with done with the “Bellamy Salute” that is the same as the Nazi salute. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute


    The truth is, they never left.

    What is different though is that after WW2 it was understood which social problems, in particular fucking over the lower and middle class, create the breeding ground for fascism to be successful. Since the 1980s with Thatcher and Reagan and then the neoliberal wave over Europe, we had 40 years of deliberately empowering fascism. Now they reap what they sew.

  • I think you are overestimating the precision of unguided rockets. Lets eyeball this:

    Lets assume the rocket flies ten kilometers, which is on the short end of things. As it is subsonic, it at best could reach a speed of 300m/s (hypersonic is above 343 m/s). Since we are looking at an arc for the shape, lets assume a launch angle of 30°, making it a fairly flat arc. So the speed in ground direction then only is 86% which is cos 30° or in total 260m/s. So that rocket has to fly at least 38 seconds.

    Taking just a sideways wind, assuming a gentle breeze on the beaufort scale, at about 4.5 m/s, that would result in a deviation of 171m over the 38 seconds. But now you get wind from the back or the front, which gives the rocket upwards or downwards drift. Or the wind isn’t perfectly sideways, so it actually changes the direction the propulsion is pushing too. Over such a range you also get changing wind speeds and directions…

    You face the same thing with artillery. Which is why it is usually used in batteries and to cover an area, rather than hit a specific target. Although Artillery is easier in the sense, that the propulsion happens right in the beginning and is aimed correctly.

    If we are talking guided missiles, it is a very different story, although i would be suprised if Hezbollah had access to GPS guiding or similiar high precision tools.

  • It is also okay not to be good a “small talk”. I quite frankly hate it and for the most part i tend to overwhelm people in conversations. Now i am happily married and we still sometimes end up just talking all night, because we engage in conversations we both find meaningful.

    Weirdly enough and quite annoyingly now that i am married and built some confidence, a lot of women are hitting on me, and seemingly unfazed by me stating the fact that i am married. Had to cut out a few people from my life because of that.

  • Far right voters are unfortunately not exclusively living outside of cities. Especially in Berlin, where the Nazi attack happened, the “conservative” CDU won the elections after saying police should publish the names of juvenile suspects, so that the public could judge, whether they are “real Germans” or “only German citizens”. And the “social democrat” SPD in Berlin threw away a majority coalition with Green and Left party to become junior under the CDU. More than half of the people in Berlin voted fascist AfD, far-right CDU or center-right SPD with these three parties.

    If you want to look at Munich, similiar story with the even further right bavarian CSU and FW, where having a past as holocaust celebrator gets you votes instead of costing them. Look at Hamburg, where the SPD Pimmelminister of the interior sends out the police to harass people with raids, after they already admitted to the “crime” of calling him a Pimmel on Twitter.

    Look at the Sylt-Videos where in the upper class rich peoples holiday resort they chanted “Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus” (Germany the Germans, foreigners out) and proudly posted it on social media.

    It is not a problem exclusive to rural areas. It is a huge problem in all of Germany. It is a huge problem in all parts of German society, no matter the income, education, or population density.

  • It is an enemy of the world. With all its imperfections the UN with the ICJ and ICC were the best development we had towards a rule based international order, where diplomacy and cooperation could be a counterbalance to barbarism and the rule of the jungle.

    Now Israel is making it abundantly clear, that all of this is worthless, while dragging the West down morally and ethically and on top of all of this actively attacking those institutions.

    Israel wants the world to devolve into barbarism and the US, Germany, UK and other supporters are actively cheering it on with their actions, while providing transparent words of “hmm. we need peace and stuff.” while delivering even more weapons and preventing yet another diplomatic solution.

  • 1…

    And Israel and the EU help Azerbaijan to continue ethnic cleansing of Armenians, in particular Israel by sending drones in exchange for Azerbaijani oil


    The Kurdish identity was deliberately squashed by the Western imperialists France and UK when they drew the borders after the fall of the Ottoman empire


    Turkey went into Cyprus when a western aided fascist Greek military junta government tried to take over Cyprus and make it part of Greece with ethnic cleansing against the Turks in Cyprus. Calling it an illegal occupation is again a western imperialist narrative ignoring the complicity in attempted ethnic cleansing or worse genocide by the Greek fascist military junta government of the time. In fact Turkey stepping in was pivotal to the fascist military junta falling apart and Greece returning to Democracy.


    So already in your first three points you are showing either a lack of understanding, or deliberately downplaying the effects of western imperialist rule and its continuation into today. Armenians are allies of Palestine as they understand that they are victim of the same forces. In particular the Israel-Azerbaijan axis shows that it is not about religion, but about classic imperialist motives of ressources, power and money.

  • The Middle East isn’t divided by the US, it’s divided by its own history of imperialism, colonization, oppression and violence based on religious and ethnic lines accross the centuries. There’s really no incentive for the US keep the Middle East divided, not to mention that oil producing countries are already united through OPEC.

    Ahh yes. The Middle Easts own history. Clearly has nothing to do with French, British or US being the colonizing entities… And after all why would the US be interested in dividing a region that is connecting 3 continents and has the mos accessible of the main strategic ressources of the past two centuries.

    And of course all the plans of the US that specifically talked about destroying nations like Iraq and Syria and the invasion of Iraq to do exactly that… All coincidences! Who would be so mean to assume this to be part of larger strategies?

  • Colonial league of nations declare Israeli state after later to become Israeli terrorists have terrorized Palestinians and the British troops to force them out. Palestinians are not asked on the matter if they want to give those terrorists a fascist ethnostate on their land.

    Fascist ethnostate gets declared, starts ethically cleansing hundreds of thousands of people.

    Some neighbouring countries try to prevent that.

    75 years of propaganda and brainwashing and people like you spin it like the Israelis are the victims, even while they are currently committing an even worse genocide and ethnic cleansing than they used to do back then and in between.

  • Note how there is worthy and unworthy victims?

    We get a detailed story about her to humanize and empathize with the Israeli victims. There is nothing wrong with that. However we do not get these kind of accounts for the tens of thousands of Palestinians murdered by Israel. We do not get these detailed accounts on how being raped and tortured in Israeli “administrative detention” aka Israeli hostageship destroys children, women and men.

    This strategy is used to justify the atrocities against the one group by dehumanizing them, while humanizing the group of the perpetrators. This is fascism in real time. And it will be the moral, political and ultimately human downfall of all of the allies of Israel.