Transporter Room 3

Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • My dude, I totally appreciate that you’re trying to help, and please don’t stop encouraging people to work out because it REALLY DOES WORK for most people, but I spent the better part of a decade doing all kinds of things, from yoga to iron man segments, and not a single thing was enjoyable beyond the small amount of satisfaction of having done something hard and finished it.

    I dropped 120lbs, and have stayed relatively the same weight since 2015, even with all the other stuff.

    So I’m sure I learned more healthy habits, hence the weight being kept off, and I don’t regret a second of it, I have no desire to try again.

    The only working out now is biking for enjoyment with my wife. And also when she feels the desire to go to the gym, I go with her.

  • In my best bane impression: for you

    I never got any “good feelings” from my healthy times. Working out was tiring and a chore. No matter how I worked out, with whom, where, for how long… No “workout buzz”

    I got down to a 7 minute mile. Not amazing or difficult by any stretch, but not one getting there did I ever experience “the runner’s high”

    Eating well gave me slightly more energy, but not enough to justify the extra cost and time to prepare.

    I literally am not capable of “good sleep” without medication, and I can’t even afford the medications anymore.

    I’ll just keep eating whatever I want, only exercising when someone asks me to, and trying to get as much sleep as possible before the sun rises until I hit my (definitely early) grave.

  • Well said.

    The only point I mildly disagree with is that all jokes should be on the same level, as some things are just… Not jokes. They simply masquerade as jokes because the person telling you their views doesn’t want the potential backlash if you disagree with them.

    Chapelle’s stuff strikes me as more of that.

    He’s just telling us how he feels and tries to layer it with “jokes” so he can act like he’s somehow in the right and we’re the ones who just “can’t take a joke”.

    That’s pretty case dependent though, and someone who knows Chapelle better than I, or even someone with a different upbringing clearly can think differently.

    There’s just so much that you could actually have a comedy routine about that’s not divisive.

  • Oh, there’s plenty of inconsistency, and I’m definitely biased, no doubt about it.

    (rant ahead, feel free to skip)

    Of course, I agree with KG, and it’s not really a “joke” for me.

    So any answer I give you will be pretty heavily skewed.

    That said, I do kind of think the DC thing was a bit overblown, but I also think he turned into a piece of shit who thinks he’s allowed to punch down on others, but you aren’t allowed to punch down on any group he’s part of. “can dish it, can’t take it” crowd.

    But especially given how successful his career has been (and I fully recognize his struggle in getting started), and continued to be, his complaints fall on deaf ears.

    But yeah, I don’t claim to be consistent with how I judge people’s “in the moment” things, and since the people I oppose have no concept of “consistency” (as well as them actively trying to make people like me and those I love cease to exist) I don’t really see a problem with that.

    There’s no point in fighting fair when you’re facing oblivion.

    And krashmo this isn’t directed at you, if anyone wants to try and tell me that “that’s not what they want”, I grew up in a pretty republican heavy area, that also attracted a lot of progressive young families, so I’ve seen more violence directed at other than I care to recount. It’s not a “maybe eventually” scenario in my head. It’s “now”.

    Sorry this turned into a bit of a rant.

  • Lol that’s some awardspeechedit content right there.

    Now it really IS like being on r*ddit again.

    Edit: to anyone wondering about the deleted comment, the guy was being pedantic about wording implying a different meaning, and then whined in an edit that this place is just like the other place because he got “downvoted for providing scientific fact” or something along those lines.

  • I once got kicked out of Sunday school for explaining everything after the big bang as our best scientific estimates tell us, at least from an astronomical, geological, and biological point of view.

    EDITORS NOTE: I kind of went on a rambling rant-anecdote here. Feel free to skip.

    Like how stars form, galaxies, how supernovae made everything possible, how a planet forms, how biology can be kick started from non living things over a super long stretch of time (possibly many times over with few or one actually making it to even single celled organisms) and how evolution does NOT say we came from monkeys any more than I say you came from your cousin (your mileage may vary in Alabama and Georgia(both))

    The Sunday school person let me continue until I finished and then she laughed and said “isn’t that funny everyone?” and all the kids laughed at me.

    Jokes on her, her 3 children are all PHDs who don’t talk to their parents anymore after “embracing a life of sin”. Which I count as a win for her children.

    My mother had to come get me and I wasn’t allowed to return for a few weeks because some kids went and told their parents who got all butt hurt.

    While my parents were way more religious then (still are, just not as much) they never once tried to punish me, tell me I was wrong, or even told me not to say things like that in church. And they weren’t shy about telling me when I was wrong or being a little shit.