Oh, trust me. A lot of the younger population understands how fucked up the Used to be United, States is.
And trust me, where we’re at as a country, we don’t need “thoughts and prayers.” If they worked at all, they would have prevented so many mass shootings.
Oh hell yeah! Another Rabbit Junk fan!
Solid song.
Have you heard their song called Power? it’s one of my favorites.
I haven’t torrented in many years. But I wanted to give a shoutout to all of the seeders that come back online, so I we could finish. There were many movies I had qued. Most were fine and finished up in three days or less, some started then stopped before they even reached the 15% mark, and several would make it to 98% then stop. Thankfully, there were some people out there who finally came back online and seeded enough for me to finish the dls. I made sure to seed enough peers to where there would be 10 seeders before I would consider removing it.
And a huge fucking thank you to whoever the hell came back online to let me get some obscure TV show called The Legend Of Mick Dodge. I started to dl when there were only 2 seeders. Then it soon became 0 seeders. I held out because I wasn’t able to find a trusted torrent for the show. So I ended up sitting on that for a bit over a month. Then one morning, I checked my list and found to my surprise that both season 1 and season 2 were complete. I was shocked when I found out that there were now 7 seeders including me. And because of the annoying wait I had to endure, I made sure to seed the MFer for 2+ months before transferring it.
((Turns out, the TV show is on archive.org https://archive.org/details/the-legend-of-mick-dodge/))
OP got it off Imgur’s front page.
OP would be more inclined to find and post the name of the OC, if OP didn’t feel like he was 1 of 100 people on here who actually post anything.
OP is also tried.
Is this a reference to a piss jar… or something else?
a Dell OptiPlex 5040 that I saved from the dumpster at work because I’m a cheapskate.
You are absolutely not a cheapskate for doing that. That’s being resourceful. You save money that way and can put it towards other things that matter more. Nothing wrong with that. Why spend a few hundred dollars for a new laptop/desktop when you can just get one used that will run for another 2-4 years before it dies?
@[email protected] What are your PC specs? Also how often do you clean up your registries?
I’ve become more accepting as to where I am in my life.
More often, I’ve been recalling the quote from Christine Mason Miller. “At any given moment, you have the power to say: this is not how the story is going to end.”
Why you gotta make it weird? ha
Africa’s Twin Towers
Ever thought about making short 2-4 minute Youtube videos answering questions about the day to day life of a EEG technician, how to get your foot in the door for EEG, where to start, is it a good fit for you (etc.)? You’d be banking on your authority that you’ve gained over the years of doing work as a EEG. Either people are curious for fun or for a more purposeful reason to watch said content. Either way, it’s worth look into imo.
Oh cool! That’s where some of my friends said they would be sooner or later. I’ll introduce you to them when I get there.
They showed up though.
Yeah sorry about that. I was experimenting to see if Imgur gallery would work for this. I guess not. Next time I’ll just edit the images to be one.
I’m not sure if I dare make a gender payment joke or not., as to why it would be cheaper.