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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • It doesn’t help any one else unfortunately.
    But I subscribed to Google Play Music All Access during the original promo in 2013. Part of $7.99 promo deal way back then, was that it was a Lifetime Subscription. Even after raising the price on all the 2014 YouTube Red promo users at the beginning of 2024, I’m still locked in at $7.99. I’ve de-Googled nearly everything else, but I’ll hold on to that subscription till I die, or YouTube does.

  • Several reasons.

    1. The US is largely responsible for defining what 1st, 2nd, and 3rd World countries are.
    2. It has the largest economy in the world.
      (I think? That may have gone to China by now. Not sure. But it was true recently.)
    3. Even with everything you said being true. It’s still the wealthiest country in the world, by a large margin. Epically when you compare incomes, lifestyles, and infrastructure to actual 3rd world countries. It’s not even close.

  • To answer your specific question, in this example, no she’s not gaslighting you. Gaslighting is a special form of lying intent on having you doubting your own reason, judgement, and even memory, in favor of someone else’s.

    In this case, it sounds like she’s afraid of her own neighborhood, and is depending on you to make her feel safe. Were I in your position, I would talk to her about looking for someplace to live she does feel safe.

  • Yes. I’d call that an investment in crypto. A risky investment is still an investment.

    Maybe we just define the terms invest and gamble differently.

    I would say investment is giving your money / time / energy into something with the expectation / belief / hope that eventually in the long run, that thing will become what you want.

    Gambling on the other hand, is putting money / time / energy into something with the expectation / belief / hope that it will eminently get you something you want.

    Either could be high or low risk. They may not pay money out at all.
    You make an investment in teaching your kids to drive, so they will be more independent and capable in the future.
    You make a gamble on teaching your kids to drive, that they won’t get them selves into a wreck tomorrow.

    Gamble = Short term
    Investment = Long term

  • It really kinda does.
    At least as close as anything can be guaranteed in this world.
    Buying into a broad market index fund (S&P500 or wider) and staying in for decades, will absolutely grow in value faster than inflation.

    The key here is time.
    Anything can go up or down on a daily, monthly, or even yearly basis; The longer your time horizon is, the more all that volatility gets evened out into a steady gentle climb upward. So much so that if you pick any 25 year period over the last 200 years, you won’t find a single instance where the total value of all traded stocks was worth less at the end than at the start.

    Because when you’re investing in the whole market, you’re investing in the whole society itself. And society is always doing everything it can to grow, produce, and consume more. That’s what humans do. Random forces may slow or stop that, for a time; But as long a humanity exists, it will still be true.