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Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Mass extinction events have a cause. The Permian/Triassic one I mentioned, is generally agreed to be from unusual movement of earth’s crust, creating severe volcanic activity. The eruptions caused CO2 and pollution, meaning greenhouse gasses built up. The heat shifted water currents and the temperatures, mixed with acid rain, decimated life in the oceans.

    Humans are basically the volcanoes in modern times. Yes, the earth goes through normal changes, but these temperatures are increasing at a speed that, to my knowledge, has never happened. There is a way of teaching kids about how long the earth’s had life, that visualizes it pretty well. If all of earth’s history were to fit on your arm, shoulder to fingertips, if you gently scratched your fingernail on something rough, you’d erase all of humankind. We have barely existed on earth, but are throwing it off balance like never before. (With the exception of the meteor that killed the dinosaurs, but that’s a whole other tangent)

    Having taken years of pathology/physiology classes, it really feels like the earth is a body, and it’s getting a fever to try and deal with an illness… us.

    Lmk if you need any sources. I can’t exactly copy my books or the ones from my old college’s libraries, but there’s plenty of studies/resources out there if you’re nerdy enough to dig 😊 (fossil pun)!

  • I have a postmortem science degree, but hobby in studying paleontology/pre-history. It took a rise of only 10°C and excess pollution to wipe out over 83% of all life on the planet between the Permian and Triassic eras. Entire chains of life just wiped out. Carbon dating, sediment layer study, fossil records, they all show how screwed me are if we keep this up. The earth will survive, it always does, but it took 30 million years before life recovered.

    Humans need to learn from the past, see the consequences of what most would think is a small change, but the ones in power don’t seem to give a shit.

  • There are a lot of cosplay elitists, that think you need to be a supermodel or look exactly like the character to cosplay them. Bruh, this is about creating art of our favorite Fandoms. I’m allowed to make sexy versions of characters, people are allowed to cosplay characters of different ethnicities as long as there’s no blackface, people can make costumes of anyone, even if they don’t know every bit of info from the source material. Let people have fun… this isn’t about you and all your gatekeeping is doing, is stopping you from having awesome and talented friends.

  • I was a postmortem scientist for a decade, and have a show called After Death, which focuses on SFX makeup and embalming, based on gruesome ways people have died! It’s on a page called Bad Day HQ which focuses on the worst days in history… crime, death, natural disasters, conspiracies, cryptuds, etc. Honestly best side gig ever. I love being teach people about really morbid stuff.

    My work. This was shot at the Anatomy of Death Museum in Michigan… And the channel itself. They won Emmy awards back in the 90s/2000s

    It has:

    • Mine disasters, where companies shut off oxygen, sacrificing people, so they wouldn’t lose profits

    • Deadliest human stampedes, where people were so concerned with getting to events that they trampled, crushed, and suffocated hundreds of people

    • Famines that wiped out large percentages of entire countries, that mirror what’s happening right now

    • History behind the Bermuda Triangle and the stories of planes and ships that have vanished there

    • Stories of some of the darkest crimes in history… from serial killers to gruesome, morbid deaths

    • Disasters and crimes that happened On This Day!

    I’m really proud and have a plethora of knowledge, so please ask away. Actually ran the Wayne State Funeral History Museum for 3 years 🥰

  • I minored in business law and read them. It terrifies me what people agree to without reading… McDonald’s, TikTok, and snapchat just added clauses to their terms of service that say users are not allowed to participate in Class Action Lawsuits. Unfortunately the Supreme Court was swayed by AT&T in 2019 so now every business is doing this so they can’t get sued by groups, just individuals who they KNOW can’t afford to hire a lawyer and fight.

    They have to allow an opt out option, though, so always Control F and find the class action and opt out section to make sure you don’t get screwed out of your rights.