This is the question Big Homeo doesn’t want you to ask.
This is the question Big Homeo doesn’t want you to ask.
I think it’s important for people to understand that mechoman wasn’t trying to make light of rhe situation or any kind of joke about homeopathy.
His explanation of homeopathy was accurate: Homeopathy operates on the principle of “like cures like,” meaning it aims to treat a disease by administering highly diluted substances that would produce similar symptoms in a healthy person, with the belief that the extreme dilution process somehow retains the healing power of the original substance and stimulates the body’s self-healing mechanisms. Of course there is no scientific evidence that such a strategy has any effect or positive results at all.
In this context, “hogwash” is an entirely correct word to describe the extreme ridiculousness of homeopathy. “Hogwash” can be defined as nonsense or bullshit.
I hope this explanation will be helpful to those struggling to understand the very valid point that mechoman shared with us.
“Oh for fuck’s sake” ndeed. I can’t decide if it’s funny or sad. So many poorly educated and naturally dumb-ass people keep falling for bullshit. As they say, there’s a sucker born every minute.