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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • Making decent progress with some automation projects at work after not having time to work on them for a bit.

    Always nice to be able to directly see the fruits of your labor.

    Also, working on playing a game of kids on bikes with my partners. Never done the GM role before, so it’s a bit nerve wracking even going through a tutorial module.

  • Along with asking them things, go do shit with them when they show interest in things you might like, you never know if you’ll get that chance again.

    I still remember turning my grandfather down on a trip to go see Sue (the big fukkin TRex) when I was younger because I was playing with a friend that day and was a little shit. That memory is like a core regret, and I don’t think he ever made an offer like that again…

  • For point c, it’s actually cheaper depending on how they do it. One of my favorite artists, mc chris, has done USB discog sales for over a decade. He charges like 100 for it last I saw, but it’s also a custom USB along with having like 10-20 albums and Eps.

    It would be much more expensive to press, bundle and package/ship that many CDs in comparison to a single USB drive. And since it’s also merch, point 4 is unlikely. He’s never cared about his music being pirated (and even has lyrics about his music being ‘forever free for the poor kids’, so B isn’t an issue either.

    Option a is basically do you trust the artist, which one would hope they’re trustworthy, but they could also Sony you if they weren’t…

  • Yeah, but that’s Pantera. Any time you go to an old head concert they’re going to charge you fuck you prices. My wife went to see Motley Crue a few years ago, and they were charging about the same, and a bit less for Jett’s merch. As she so eloquently put it, “the main reason old bands go on tour is they need money”.

    Going to smaller/newer bands’ shows has much more reasonably priced merch. But for those old heads, you’re paying for the well known name and so they can supplement their social security payment while trying not to break a hip on stage.

  • That’s probably just because those are old acts that have the benefit of charging fuck you prices for a shirt. The last time I saw disturbed, their shirts were priced like that.

    Other I saw alestorm and gloryhammer last year and the shirts were like 35, CDs were 20, and I got a rubber duck captain thing for like 15. mc chris had similar prices, but he also had a full discog flashdrive for like 100, and as much as I’d love to support mc on that, I have all but like 2-3 albums so it’s just not worth it to me.