Neon 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦🇪🇺🏳️‍⚧️🇹🇼🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈

Swiss Pan-European Nationalist

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • They can be criticized for their actions during and after the war in helping the Nazi leaders squirrel away the wealth they stole from the Jews, something that was not necessary for a neutral nation to do.

    It actually was kinda necessary. We were strategically very important as the Gotthardtunnel was the main Link between the Germans and the Italians, the two main Allies. So we had to offer them something that was even more valuable than conquering the Gotthardtunnel. We concluded that the opportunity to turn their “spoils of war” into Money was the one thing that was more valuable to them.

    I would also like to break a lance for my Swedish compatriots. The Nazis conquered Norway and Denmark in a few weeks because they were positioned strategically along the trade routes. If Sweden stopped exporting the Iron, it was very obvious, that the Nazis would invade Sweden for the Iron if they ever stopped exporting it.

    And: Sweden did cooperate with allied intelligence during the war. So there’s that. And before someone comes in: While Switzerland didn’t directly cooperate with allied intelligence, we did willfully turn a blind eye to them. Tacit cooperation if you want so.

  • than can actually be a transition Error.


    In my language (german) ukraine is feminine. Die ukraine. And as such, you always have to use the pronoun (die).

    You can’t for example say “USA haben gewählt” since the US too is feminine. It’s always “Die USA haben gewählt” (The USA have voted)

    So in german you say “Die ukraine ist nur eine Sideshow” which will then become “the Ukraine is just a sideshow”

    Which is a very Cynical take btw but i fear that it could be somewhat true.

    You can however say just the countries name if it is Neutral (das). “Deutschland hat gewählt” “germany has voted”. Here it would actually be weird to use “das Deutschland”. Only Exception is the United Kindom (Das vereinigte Königreich). It’s constituents (england, scottland, wales) however will then again be without the pronoun. “Schottland hat heute gewählt”