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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Resources often get squandered on trivial vanity and novelty products instead of being channeled into advancing science and medicine. Imagine if we had a cosmic ledger tracking every resource used to develop simple items, like a pencil. It would show countless fires burned and animals consumed just to fuel the human ingenuity required for lumber, materials, and mining. Now, think about how many more resources are required for rockets, heat shields, and life support systems. Extend that to space stations, energy capture, and escaping Earth’s gravity.The resources on a planet are abundant, and nothing is ever truly destroyed. However, we’ve often allocated too much to building flat-screen TVs, leaving little for constructing even a modest space station in orbit, let alone an interstellar spaceship. It’s as if the planet offers a finite amount of resources, challenging its inhabitants to focus on space travel. Only a species wise enough to stay on track can unlock the universe’s resources. Otherwise, we risk ending up like Australian pines, choking ourselves out in our isolated star systems, having wasted our potential.

    Imagine it like interstellar travelling having a single path to achieve it while the path to self destruction is limitless.

  • I’ve think a lot of cops express how unhappy they are with the justice systems. Imagine getting a call for a domestic abuse. Show up and see this piece of shit beat his wife and kid. You arrest them and put them in jail. 6 months later you get another call same fucking guy same fucking thing. The courts gave him a reduced sentence. Rinse and repeat for your career. You’re catching the same dirt bags over and over and the justice system keeps putting them back out there cause they either are too lenient or under funded to handle them. Cops can make the arrest but have no control over the justice system. I get a lot of us hate cops but I think we can all empathize how hard it would be to see the same people every couple months victimizing the same people

  • Assuming the position of a prior disposable cog in our military industrial Leviathan is actually good, though. Its the officially outlet for lumpen proles who otherwise couldn’t escape their low caste status. All you need to do is bloody your hands with the remains of villainous foreigners, and you can enter into a lottery to secure a sinecure in our corporate bureaucracy.

    I sincerely disagree. Except for the low caste comment I suppose.

    The military is more than front line combat roles. There are doctors, dentists, electricians, cooks, carpenters, mechanic’s, there are geo techs working on state of the art mapping programs. Every job in the public sector has an equivalent role. And what you get is a stable career with its own bullshit but you get stability.

    I meet so many good people. We all learned to work together and become something better. I don’t think I ever will get again outside the military. Sure its all boot camp rah rah rah shit. But it serves a purpose. Its putting everyone under a stress to put all of us into a state where we can’t rely on just ourselves to get through. It kills the ego by putting everyone into a stressful environment and teaches you that you have to work with each other to accomplish goals.

    It doesn’t matter how cool or good at stuff you think you are. You’re not making it without the person next to you. It doesn’t matter your politics, how rich you are, how poor you are, what your education is. That is all left at the door. The military has always been one the most progressive melting pots in our society next to our education system. I think that’s something lots of us should experience.