• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Whether it is genocide or not is not up to me to decide. Facts are huge number of civilians are dying. However if you wish to claim Israel is not trying to minimize civilian deaths you should educate yourself more because they definitely do. From calling people and telling them to evacuate, to flyers thrown, to roof knocking and more tactics. There’s not a single army on this planet that does this, especially during the war.

    Now you can go through my post history and point things out, but I’ve never said anything I haven’t fact checked. So feel free to double-check everything poking your eyes. And am not deliberately ignoring anything. War is ugly and disgusting, especially in one where many innocents die. But no matter how you twist your logic to make me appear evil or excuse Hamas or whatever the agenda is, the matter of the fact is… Hamas started it. Every time. Number of times now. You can go on and talk about apartheid and evil this, or two state solution. At no point was there an attempt from Hamas to peacefully resolve issues. It’s always stabbings on the street, bombs under a bus or something else. In fact list goes on for quite a while.

    Oh and the comment you quoted as me “apologizing” for Israel. Here’s the link to that as well. But keep living in that bubble. There’s not a single thing I falsely stated while you on the other hand are on a crusade yourself without investing any effort to back your claims. Just rambling.

  • Indeed there are a lot of vocal people here who weren’t keen o Israel to begin with. But that shouldn’t justify calling deaths of civilians on either side.

    aiming to produce a situation not only more-favorable to Hamas than the pre-war situation, but one so much more favorable that it’s worth the costs of the war for Gaza

    I think this is mostly due to Israel’s insistence that Hamas must perish. Which is why I guess every ceasefire talks are falling through constantly. There’s no future in which Hamas exists that Israel is willing to accept. Sadly a lot of innocent will pay the cost. So whatever happens Israel will double-down on eradicating Hamas while trying to minimize civilian casualties and Hamas will try to survive by doing the opposite.

  • That’s a twist pretty much everyone saw who is not Israel hater. Israel reported the very day the talks broke up that terms were changed, but Hamas announced day prior they are accepting the terms, making Israel look like they are the ones who didn’t accept.

    It was the same story about hospital being bombed. Everyone reported Israel bombing hospital and it took months of independent investigation to figure out what Israel initially said, which was that the stray rocket fell on parking lot and amount of victims wasn’t 500.

    This is what Hamas does, fight media war making Israel look bad at every opportunity. Yesterday we could see just how much they fact check things when they reported a joke from social media as a fact checked news story about how “MOSAD agent named Eli Copter was responsible for deaths of Iranian leaders”… Seriously (h)Eli Copter. We came up with better jokes when we were kids.