This little people house.
It’s kept my daughter interested and her several years brother loves to play with it too. It’s got a few cute songs that she dances to. There’s one about mixing milk and spaghetti and some nonsense. So it’s funny for the parent. It was well worth the money. As a kid, I remember playing with the little people house up until like 10 or something so it doesn’t get old.
Idk I’d rather a passerby toss their poop or other trash in my can rather than throw it on the ground. Hell if you’re really desperate and can’t afford trash service I’d even tolerate a bag. But don’t be filling up my can.
I used to like in a neighborhood where one lady would randomly throw her trash bags in someone’s yard or behind my fence. City wouldn’t do shit about her. I didn’t like any of it and never did figure out where she lived but I was at that point of just telling her to put it in the fucking can because at least I wouldn’t have to pick it up after the raccoons got into it and scattered it in the grass behind the fence.