they are technically allowed to … so they do it . and i mean average iq of this world is 80-90 so i think they just download the 1st thing off playstore which is sponsored which is paid by showing them “ads”
we need more technical knowledge among young people instead of having them become a coomer or waste their life playing games (something that huanted me is this:
It’s Alright but for me microcontrollers like the one you told me are out of way since i need to run most and foremost docker for things like jellyfin /adgaurd home etc.
I really Dont know I am Ok with running chinese boards and also
the boards you are showing me are 80-90$ which to me is maybe a lot since raspberry pi prices have started to slow down as well
Plus some dockers may not work and jellyfin is saying its not recommended to run it on rasp pi so i dont know actually
Thanks for the suggestion (I am looking forward to other comments as well) Well , I like x86 in general but not for self-hosting maybe? i have heard that they are bulky and take a lot of energy
flatpak just makes sense imo