World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation?
Not from State Farm. Sorry to disappoint. I’m just a half-Iranian American exploring the fediverse. I am interested in science, tech, philosophy, animals, comedy, a wide range of music, and even politics. Though the politics in my country are plain depressing atm.
World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation?
Because that is what people do in roleplaying situations if the option is there.
I am sure Richard Dawkins is rolling in his soon to be grave.
Clearly made by a Mastodon user.
Well it works on Lemmy.
Most people prefer offensive words over involuntary dick exposure.
Hey I wasn’t the one being called all these things. I tend to avoid communities like that but every time I go to the federated tab I see at least one post like this.
Guys, the link is time stamped! What lazy bums.
Nazi, transphobe, capitalist scum are popular ones on here.
The Magicians- the musical episodes are amazing.
Mastodon use in on a decline? What a shame. I personally dislike the format but then again I barely used Twitter.
Finance Bros are not normal people. They tend to be pretty sociopathic.
Other than business class?
Ruin it by removing porn?
Please circle the banana for reference.
Sounds like the equivalent of US drone strikes.
Where would this country be if the feds couldn’t spy on you ever waking moment?
Learning about Daoism has been pretty cool though I can only really read the Dao De Jing because there are no temples near me. Buddhism is way more wind spread and easily accessible comparatively speaking. It is also how Lao Tzu and Siddhartha Gautama come to many similar conclusions about suffering and leading a good life.
You are not using this person’s preferred pronouns and are trying to force them to fit your preconceived notions about how people should be. Perhaps you should take a step back and do some introspection before you potentially lose a friend.
No they are talking about role playing because LLMs can’t differentiate reality from pretend.