If there’s anything I miss about reddit it’s that if you were looking for a place to post something like this you could just go to r/eggs or r/eggprices and it would typically work
If there’s anything I miss about reddit it’s that if you were looking for a place to post something like this you could just go to r/eggs or r/eggprices and it would typically work
Sounds desirable tbh. Other than boiling water, a lower energy cook is typically better for microwaving.
Well you should try at least because whomever drew this one isn’t great at it.
Do microwaves Lose their omphf over time? I’ve had some old ones seem perfectly fine.
Was he that really good keeper for Man United back in the day?
So I’m supposed to be measuring my pee?
Dead people don’t buy electrolytes tom!
Is there like a combo package that let’s me subscribe to all of these?
Peeing standing up?
Baja Blast has cocaine in it. Everyone knows it, and no one wants to talk about it.
Trust funder - no that’s horrible, hobos are gross, it’s much more rewarding to sign these songs to someone working two jobs to make ends meet.
It’s most jobs but in my experience it just that people are busy AF and overworked and don’t have time to really think about you if you aren’t either in their direct line of site or a well established friend. My social circle has shrunk to people I work with currently and a couple of neighbors. I’m extremely proximity biased (aka lazy I guess).
I’ve had email communication with the devs and again, I’m a biased donor. They are just starting afloat on donations. Respect your closed source concerns completely, but it’s a superior piece of software imo and I see no signs of malificence. If you are an open source purist I get it, there are other options. If you are using any closed source software at all though, it would seem to me hypocritical to show a bias against this particular app.
Who’s not using email? I’m green with envy, but I think it’s a ludicrous premise to think not many people are using email.
Not sure why it’s not more popular. I use and donate. I’ve had better performance with this than qbittorrent.
How are you going to pass on one called great value? Would be like buying something that doesn’t have the word best in it when another product does. I’m not dumb.
People referring to this as “mildly” infuriating is what has us in this mess in the first place. What does it take to get you all actually pissed the fuck off!!? 2025 should have you absolutely livid.
White titted purple booby
Adding this as the second app alrey this year that I’ll install simply based on the name alone (only drams being the other).
Good news is that since feds go after individuals sometimes for petty crimes of piracy, they are surely going to dig in very deep to this corporate piracy with massive crippling fines that will set examples for other companies thinking of doing the same. Right?