• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • Pride and Prejudice was the most unrelatable book I was forced to read in school. A rich, noble, Victorian family whose main problems are, while they are rich and noble, they are not as rich and noble as they’d like to be. They have no real skills or assets, so rather than pursue trade or business ventures, they put all their eggs in the basket of their daughters being able to swoon and marry the bachelors of richer, nobler, families.

    As someone who does not live in Victorian England, grew up poor, and is generally bored when shallow romance is the main theme, that book was hell. It’s often praised for showing the differences between classes in that period, which makes zero sense to me because the only classes it compares are the Upper Class and the slightly less rich Upper Class. It would be like a modern book talking about the “struggles” of a family that only has a net worth of $100 million and how hard they have it compared to billionaire families. Boo-fucking-hoo.

    I genuinely do not understand how that book is a classic. It’s basically Keeping Up with the Kardashians in Victorian times. It’s a trash story with trash characters and trash themes. It is the first, and only, book I felt compelled to burn once I was done with. I wouldn’t even wipe my ass with it.

  • We need to save the planet, that’s why you need to put a giant plug up your ass! Why? Well you see, Methane is a serious greenhouse gas, and despite your farts being miniscule compared to the massive releases from factory farms and other industries, eVErY liTtlE biT HeLps!!

    You should really just not question it and live your life with this painful inconvenience because we all need to start somewhere. If everyone across the nation were to just start wearing a big butt plug at all times, we could reduce methane emissions by a whole 0.1%! And no, before you ask, the factory farms and other industries won’t be doing a damn thing to reduce their emissions. So lube up that bussy honey, you gotta get into that green mentality, it’s for the planet!

  • I’m going to wait till more comes out. For me, the question becomes, who is more likely to have filled a mass grave with hospital patients? The IDF who were briefly in the hospital and accounted for all the “terrorists” they killed during the raid and let the hospital continue to operate afterwards with no reports of mass executions? Or the Gazans who ran the hospital for months, lacked the supplies to save those injured during the constant attacks, and lacked the infrastructure to properly dispose of bodies?

    I’m not saying it couldn’t have been the IDF, we’ve literally seen videos of them running over and burying bodies with a bulldozer. I’m just saying given the context, it looks more like the sad reality of what happens when a hospital has a high amount of casualties and dead bodies brought to it and lacks the resources to properly identify or store them.