• 11 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • What are things? What is energy? What is my soul? Where did it come from? Is it even in this spacetime, or is the body an avatar and I’m connecting into to it via some process? How was my soul created? Why do I experience rather than my body function solely as a biochemical robot? Where does my soul go when my body dies? Is there an end to eternity? If so, what happens or doesn’t happen? If not, how does change continue? What does my soul do until then? I understand life. I don’t understand experience.

    One time I heard an assumption that every single electron is the same electron in different places and times. I asked a physicist what they thought of that idea. He thought for a moment and responded, “Would it even matter?” Sometimes I imagine that we are all the same person in different bodies living different lives. Every normal person, every genius, philanthropist, every monster, every slave, every billionaire, every dead fetus, every person I’ve dated, my parents,…we’re all the same person living in a different body going through every single experience of life. When I do that, everything seems so simple.

    So would it even matter? Yes, because what if individuality is false? What if we’re all one thing, but the current structure of life doesn’t allow us to experience it as such so we incorrectly think that each individual medium of perception is completely independent? Giving everything to others would be selfish. Working as a team for the benefit of everyone would be the ultimate selfish move. We could stop all competition, treat each other with utmost compassion, and maximize our limited time in each body. But alas, the selfish versions of us are too underdeveloped in that dimension to let that happen just yet. I wonder what it would take for each of us to reach the understanding that we’re all the same soul.

  • Thank you! I’m here asking for advice on how to respond to gaslighting, and people are telling me it’s not gaslighting. I don’t have to prove with specific details that it’s gaslighting as if I’m in a fight with them. Yet, when I provide the details anyway, I’m told it is not gaslighting. I’m thinking they’re trolling me by gaslighting me further or theyre just that unhealthy.

    Additionally with this girl, these are only the gaslighting attempts. There have been a few other manipulation tactics used as well. I rather not share them, but they were quite concerning on their own.

    I will absolutely not tolerate any gaslighting, and I gave her the benefit of the doubt twice in 6 weeks just in case I’m wrong anyway. I really rather end it. I just don’t know how to do it without making it a major issue or hinting at blaming her in anyway whatsoever.

  • Classics

    Your mom is so short that her entire body is in her license picture.

    Your mom is so short that when she sits on the curb, her legs dangle in the air.

    Your mom is so skinny that she has to run around in the shower to get wet.

    Ones I Made Up Right Now

    Your mom is so small that she got run over by a Micro Machines car.

    Your mom is so small that she has to stride to walk so she doesn’t violate plank length.

    Your mom is so small that her mass is divisible by zero.

    Your mom is so small that she sneezed and escaped a black hole.

  • I got some kvas and bread. When I asked the Russian food store worker if they had kvas, the guy looked away, slightly smiled as if it was a dumb question, and said, “Of course!” Then he took me to the kvas aisle and showed all of the options lol. I probably seemed pretty silly to him. While I was there, I also got some fresh bread that they made.

    I tried the bread fresh, and it was okay. I tried the kvas and thought it was okay too. However, I sliced the bread, toasted it, and put butter on it. I had that with kvas on the side, and it was pretty good! They compliment each other very well. The bread is heavier than I’m used to and has a lot more flavor. I can see how someone that is used to that would think American white bread would seem like crap. By comparison, white bread is lacking consistency and flavor while also being too sweet. To me, the kvas tastes like a soda but less sweet and slightly bitter like molasses. I can see how this would be something someone would like if they drink it often. It has a unique taste that isn’t overwhelming. I noticed that I kept wanting more, where as coke is repugnant after a bit. Overall, I like it and am gonna be eating/drinking this for the next week. Thanks/Спасибо for the recommendation!

  • Interesting, thanks for sharing! Those pictures of the barren grocery stores look terrible. I went to Russia in the mid 90s, and while consumer goods were not as abundant as in the US, the stores did not look as bad as in those pictures. However, I remember that meat was a bit scarce. We mostly had soup, eggs, bread, and potatoes. In fact, one time we went for an extravagant night out to a restaurant, and I was told that I was really lucky to have some sort of meat entree (like a steak or similar, can’t remember exactly).