I suet to scoop aswell but now eat the whole thing. Started doing it after seeing a coworker do it. They said you don’t notice it and gave me one of thiers. I tried it that way, and they were right. I didn’t notice it.
I suet to scoop aswell but now eat the whole thing. Started doing it after seeing a coworker do it. They said you don’t notice it and gave me one of thiers. I tried it that way, and they were right. I didn’t notice it.
I can not count. I learned my lesson about buying expensive sunglasses with a single large wave at the beach. I’ve been buying cheap polarized wayfarer style sunglasses since. Do they break… yes. Does $5 hurt me at this point no
I use to work for a tool manufacturing company. The amount of 10mm sockets we produced was alarming bc it meant people needed them. I don’t think I can comprehend how many dildos are needed… smh
Thank you. I have a kodi setup that will try this on.
I will look into this too. Thank you
Thank you. I will check this out.
We get a few channels OTA with our antenna. Sadly, ice hockey is limited to Bally Sports, and baseball is only sometimes available on a local network that is not Bally Sports
Ive been to the state fair. TX with never rise again with that amount of deep fried butter
I wish it included the public and was in TX. Id be challenging the fat, cuck, dumbass, walmart wolverine, traitor Raphael crust to a duel
I am a firm believer that the only draft pick that would have saved the Dallas Cowboy’s was Jerry Jones by the Vietnam draft
Don’t assume the Bleach-Blonde-Bad-Butch-Bodies pronounouns. It also hates big words.