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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • They hear the word and they think of misandry, primarily because so many misandrists think they’re feminists and very loudly proclaim so. The problem is, the more you try to convince them feminism isn’t what they think, the more they tune you out because if you talk about feminism so much, you must hate men enough to dole out your own hatred as payback. Which is exactly the preconception you’re trying to address.

    Idk, maybe feminism just needs a good ol’ rebranding. I think it would at least win over a lot of the under 50 crowd.

  • Haha while I agree with you on a lot of what you said, I was more restating your response than asking you personally. But I do enjoy the insight.

    I think empathy is the only way we can survive. Intelligence got us here, but it won’t keep us here. If we want to survive, I think we need to use empathy to temper our ambitions. Otherwise, the people in charge will end up ruling over a smoking mountain of shit.

    Also, it was asked 6 (7?) days ago. Maybe your client has a delay of some kind? At least that’s how it looks on my end. I’m using Boost if that means anything.

  • Answer: Faith in humanity is used to express hope (or lack thereof) in our ability as a species to be good or thrive. If you see something that makes you “lose hope for humanity,” it is usually a cruel or malicious act that makes one question whether we as a species will survive, or at least have a good impact while we’re here. Things that give hope for humanity are usually altruistic acts that make people think “we just might be alright.” If you think humanity is a dumpster fire of shitty people and we are inevitably going to bomb ourselves to extinction, you’ve lost faith in humanity. If you think people are good in their core and, as bad as the bad apples are, we are generally good to each other, if you think that we can build something greater than we are now and are going to be alright, you have faith in humanity. These statements are generally made in hyperbole to express how one is feeling in the moment, and usually isn’t a description of a more permanent state of thinking. At least not colloquially.

    As far as origin, no clue.