• 8 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 29th, 2024

  • Serious answer: I remind myself it’s normal to be shocked by some stuff people do/create. I check the content against my ethics, and try to decide if I’m being uptight or if it really is messed up. If it’s something that isn’t unethical/harmful but I just don’t like, then I remind myself that not everyone needs to share my tastes.

    If it’s genuinely terrible I allow myself to feel the anger/sorrow for a bit, try not to let it become excessive, and congratulate myself on having limits that fit my ethics. I remind myself that good people exist and they are the ones I want to support, emulate, and engage with. As others have mentioned, distraction can also help. Video games, music, socializing - whatever will move your train of thought along.

  • Agreed. This is more about the court saying, “You countries signed us into existence to monitor the most serious instances of international law and here’s our ruling as legal experts. Now it’s up to you to decide what to do with it.”

    I still love seeing this because:

    • It lends legitimacy to the accusations against Israel and provides a legal foundation upon which to start measures meant to bring Israel back into line with international law.
    • In recent months my dreams have changed. If given the choice I’d give up personal wealth and fulfillment to see Netanyahu and his cabinet of thugs prosecuted in a modern Nuremberg Trial and end their lives in prison as befits the war criminals they are. Leaders should be held accountable for things like bombing hospitals and starving millions no matter which nation they represent.

  • Edit: Just to make sure I was doing my homework, I actually found a copy of the relevant agreement. Read Annex V point 1 (1st page) and Appendix V point 4 (2nd page). Both make it clear that Israel is collecting Palestinian taxes from Palestinians and on purchases made wholly in Palestine with a final destination inside Palestine. Given the very specific language of the agreement, I’m even more sure your assertion that it’s Israeli-sourced money is incorrect.

    Your word alone is not enough, and in the absence of requested evidence I’m going to disregard it. I have found MANY sources going back years that state that Israel is collecting Palestinian taxes, as in money that Palestine would be collecting if it wasn’t occupied/was a self-governing nation. Israel also frequently withholds these taxes as a political bludgeon even though they are bound by their own signed agreements to pass that money along to Palestinian authorities. Israel even charges a 3% fee to do this for Palestine. I cannot find a single source that backs up your assertion that it’s actually Israel’s money transferred as an act of charity. Moreover, the idea that Israel is being unnecessarily kind clashes with decades of evidence about how Israel views, controls, and abuses Palestinians.

  • As best as -I- can tell, Israel is collecting Palestinian taxes. Here’s another article from a different outlet:

    What are the Palestinian funds that Israel collects?

    Israel collects Palestinian import tax revenue as agreed to in the 1994 Paris Accords signed by the Palestine Liberation Organisation and Israel. The tax revenue Israel collects is made up of indirect taxes imposed on Palestinian imports. It comes from two primary sources: VAT on goods and import tax on goods brought in from outside Israel.

    These are taxes that would normally be collected by a country for transactions within/at their borders, not charity/extra taxes paid for by Israelis. From the Wikipedia article, Israel collects taxes on goods/services that end up in Palestine, and controls/collects tariffs on goods entering Palestine. They tax Palestinian labor both in Israel and in the illegal settlements in OPT. They have also used withholding those taxes as a form of control several times in history and those are listed in the article.

    As you note, this situation was only supposed to last 5 years, instead Israel has enforced it for 30 and according to the UN it’s not because Israelis are “giving them free money”. "However, 30 years later, the financial settlement continues to give the Israeli state what the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has called “a disproportionate influence on the collection of Palestinian fiscal revenue, leading to deficiencies in the structure and collection of customs duties resulting from direct and indirect importing into Palestine”.

    I am not an expert. I may be wrong. But none of the sources I’m finding frame the issue as Israel withholding charity or bonus payments or anything similar - they all say Israel is holding Palestinian taxes. I only care about proof, so if you can provide it I’ll check it and if it outweighs the evidence I’ve found and linked I’ll change my mind.

  • In case anyone wants to know specifically why this is crazy: here’s a NASA article about magnetic pole shifts/reversals. The short version is:

    • Magnetic North Pole was identified about 200 years ago and since then it’s constantly been drifting so “Pole Shifts” are a constant reality.
    • Complete reversals (where N and S swap) happen every 300,000 years or so on average (varying a lot). The last reversal was actually 780,000 years ago, so I’m not sure what societal collapse this guy knows about from WAY into pre-history.
    • The Earth’s magnetic field has declined in strength in the last 200 years by about 9%, but it’s still twice as intense as it’s million-year average and not going anywhere anytime soon.

  • Punish Russia for invading your country and if it hurts their economy perhaps that will deter other countries from pulling the same crap.

    The article is paywalled but I’m guessing the warnings are because of the energy economics involved. If an effective counter-offensive drives up oil prices then maybe that will be the (admittedly likely painful) push the world needs to finally swap to other forms of energy. I’m aware it might hurt, but I think it’s long overdue regardless of wars and the decades of stalling for economic reasons has done a lot of harm to the world.