• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • There is no such thing as a superfood. it’s all bullshit.

    Like the Acacia berry stuff. not only are the levels of good-stuff in them comprable to other berries (Like strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries. Basically it’s the same as, like, all berries.) you’re importing them from central america which means they’re not fresh, they’re processed, and they’ve lost a lot of that good stuff by the time it gets to you.

    So yes. anyone telling you that “XYZ” is a superfood? bullshit. That simple. It’s just powdered mushrooms (“Adaptogenic mushrooms” whatever that means. looking at the ingredients list, it seems to just be common food shrooms.). While, yes, mushrooms are healthy, and can be delicious, There’s nothing inherently special about this product. (“they” say it has antinfamitory and other of the typical dribble the natural-remedy crowd says of like… everything… If there’s an effect it’s probably like “meh.”)

    Personally, eating actual mushrooms seems more… uhm. palatable.

  • this is one time I side with the NIMBY’s.

    fracking is awful and we need to kick the oil habit anyhow. it absolutely fucks up the local enviroment, and destroys the water table. the full name is literally hydraulic fracturing… because the process is basically taking something you can’t normally get oil out of, pumping in a shit load of water until the bedrock shatters to fucking hell.

    it lets you get to the oil, sure, but it also releases the oil (and all sorts of other shit, like gases) so that it gets into wells and everything else.

    Basically the only people that are pro-fracking are the assholes that are perfectly okay fucking over every one else, and the assholes that take their money.

  • “I dunno. I suck at this. what do you think?”

    don’t do that at the cheap joints… but otherwise it usually sets up a good discussion.

    protip, if you’re wanting a men’s style… go to a barber. usually less expensive, and usually much better at men’s style. (Also, most barbers don’t care if your a man or woman or non binary. they still won’t charge you extra the same way a stylist will charge some one passing as a woman women’s rates for the same thing. it’s pretty absurd.)

  • As a customer, I only wished you’d have a screen or something other than the menu.

    Or maybe hours posted at the box.

    The McDonald’s by me likes to change hours- I’m. It there frequently enough to know how often but they still have the “open 24” signage as you pull in; so it’s more or less impossible to know if they’re just busy or actually closed.