Are you new here? “Threadiverse” has been used to refer to thread-based fediverse technologies that use threaded comments since before Zuck’s “threads” was even announced!
The kind of people who slut-shame are probably not that progressive towards gay men either
Only in the standard Lemmy web ui it seems, not in any of the clients I just checked
If they can’t even do the stupid units right then it’s no wonder they don’t like the sensible ones!
Why would you not post the headline, isn’t that the whole point of this community?
Not sure why anyone would be interested in yet-another corporate-controlled platform
Copying my own reply to a similar question the other day: Most users don’t give a shit about the tech or politics, they just want to go where the people they are interested in are, and most of them don’t care either! Bluesky is actively promoting itself as the new old Twitter, so that’s where people who want that are going.
The wackiest thing is that it’s often the Lords who have stopped the Commons enacting some really authoritarian stuff!
No such thing as bad press, eh?